Poem Lamentation of Dust

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zukratis, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Zukratis

    Zukratis Orbital Explorer

    My first of many Starbound themed poems. If you want me to add explanations at the end, let me know. :)

    "Lamentation of Dust"

    Spiraled in the pitch of empty existence,
    My nature fine tuning to the forces of the Universe.
    A sickness so magnetic, I begin to contract into shape.
    I pout and withdraw, my nature ever changing.
    I am Faceless,
    Unbound and never Remarkable.
    The spiral becomes an art- I begin my form.
    From a speck, to a collection of similar entities, I become whole.
    Now I lie in this space, untouched and alone.
    My body ages and new forms of existence attach themselves to me.
    Still, in-animate.
    Neighbors begin to appear, and oddly, I find small shaped objects
    Landing on them all.
    But never I, for I remain here still, a fragment of this vast scenery.
    Perhaps I am only a nimble occurrence, for I harbor no new life.
    Yet here I permanently stay attuned, watching as my brothers
    Are visited, colonized, and given attention.
    I will continue to spiral endlessly, vacant.
    And one day I will split again into a single speck, and find a new home,
    conglomerated with others just like me.
    Perhaps then, I will feel traveled, indulged, and useful.
    But for now, I continue my pointless path, and dance for attention as I spiral.
    I lament, I harbor loneliness. I am only dust. The creation of this
    Endless, cosmic panorama.
  2. Tectal

    Tectal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I believe you are talking about a planet, good sir! The only problem is that your poem didn't rhyme...

    I'm joking of course :)! I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more!
  3. Zukratis

    Zukratis Orbital Explorer

    Haha thanks man, the no rhyming comment almost gave me a heart attack.. Wayne Brady was going to have to a choke a bi... But none the less, thanks again! :)
  4. sniperium

    sniperium Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    its a good poem, almost as if you tried to feel like the planet going round in circles and just filling empty space while being there,
    poems dont need to rhyme though they can be funny. this however is art ;)

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