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Closed Lag and broken SAIL after Glad Giraffe update

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by CastVenus, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. CastVenus

    CastVenus Space Hobo

    just decided to get back into Starbound , went to open up a new game (always good practice after a big update) , and i fist noticed the lag, ive never had lag, not in the title menu, but in game and the lag was bad ,

    then the main issue, i went to click on S.A.I.L , the computer, you first activate , the first thing you do, and it wouldnt work, i made sure it wasnt the button ,

    but yeah, so SAIL wont activate for me...the lag is annoying but bearable but im kinda stuck if there isnt a fix for SAIL..
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    The game is still loading in the background. That is why the interface for SAIL hasn't appeared yet.
  3. CastVenus

    CastVenus Space Hobo

    hmm maybe , ill give it time, hadn't though of that
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