
Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by 1nk-kp0, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    Krabmikaze.. ):)
  2. Атлична!:up:
    Но я подозреваю, что на следующем кадре будет баальшой БАБАХ:p
    But methinks it will be a great KABOOM! in the next frame:p
  3. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    Возможно..) Но... скорее всего следующего кадра не будет..:D
    Maybie..) But... the next frame will not be.. :D
    P.S. А ты тоже пользуешься гугл-транслейтором, или так английский знаешь?:)
  4. GOOGLE translate+some editing;)
    Пользуюсь, но всегда немного редактирую. Учил французский;)
  5. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Wow, great job! I hope you will make more :D Also, do you take requests?
  6. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    There will be more work.;) Now I draw the Lider of Lizards) What do you mean about requests? (translator troll me:cry: )
  7. Он спрашивает - заказы на картинки принимаешь?
    I am the Translator:cool:
    Bamseper likes this.
  8. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    :D Thanks)
    Special for you - Yep:)
  9. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Wow, that Crabmikaze is awosome! great job on it :)
    Maybe it's a little bit empty, but I guess that's just because Krabmikazes are relatively simple creatures.

    (I hope I didn't make it the translator to hard :P)
  10. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    I would like something potato related, if you would be so kind :D
  11. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    You're kidding right? Sure hope so...

    I have a feeling that 1nk-kp0 will think that google translate is glitchy again when translating that XD

    However, I have to ask, would you, 1nk-kp0, mind if I make a request as well?
    Bamseper likes this.
  12. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    I'm not kidding. You can make something anteater related instead if you want to - or a drawing with both
  13. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    An anteater and a potatoe...

    I actually want to see that 0.o
  14. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    You got the sickness too... Oh no, the E at the end of potatoE. I do that all the time tooooo :rofl:
  15. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    I thought that's how you spelled it. Looking back, I notice i was wrong :p
    Maybe we should talk about something more art-related than potatoes?
  16. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    We should... Phew, well, what program do you use 1nk?
  17. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    :D I use SAI.
    Request you personally? Or a hint that I can draw?:)

    PS. Very very bad Google translator(
    PSS. Potato? xD Are you really?
    PSSS. If you want arrange about art for you, please write your skype or other communication)
  18. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Yes, he said potato :rofl:

    Anyway, yes, I meant art for me personal, like you draw my character. I don't have skype, but i'm on 3 forums (including this one ;p) and I also have deviant art.

    If you want to do my request or not, I'll give it to you anyway. Do with it as you like.

    I am a young man wearing: a grey shirt with some bullet holes in it and brown shorts, and i wear a futuristic black watch.
    I have white hair and red eyes.
    I am holding a melting sword and I also have a belt with throwing stars clipped on it.

    See the picture in my sig as a reference :) do with it as you like, if you want to make it I'll see it soon enough :)

    (written on phone)
  19. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    And your father.
    blind sniper likes this.
  20. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    I will try to draw a man whom you describe.

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