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Bug/Issue Korean BigCraftables names missing

Discussion in 'Support' started by margotbean, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. margotbean

    margotbean Existential Complex

    The names for the 3 statues, ??Foroguemon??, ??Pinky Lemon??, and ??HMTGF?? in Korean have the number "0" instead of a translation in BigCraftablesInformation.ko-KR.xnb.

    155: "??HMTGF??/0/-300/Crafting -9/??HMTGF??/true/true/0" #!String
    161: "??Pinky Lemon??/0/-300/Crafting -9/??Pinky Lemon??/true/true/0" #!String
    162: "??Foroguemon??/0/-300/Crafting -9/??Foroguemon??/true/true/0" #!String

    The translation should be in the last index instead of "0".

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