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Outdated Konan Wings 1.0

You watch Naruto? Manga spoiler, the ending kinda sucks.

  1. DJatomica

    DJatomica Void-Bound Voyager

    DJatomica submitted a new mod:

    Konan Wings - You watch Naruto? Spoiler, the ending kinda sucks.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. clickclick800

    clickclick800 Void-Bound Voyager

    how do you get the wings?
  3. DJatomica

    DJatomica Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah sorry I forgot to include that in the description, I'll add it in.
  4. kyurem000

    kyurem000 Void-Bound Voyager

    can you change the recipe so that i need fabric and iron bars and can only be crafted through metalworkstation???PLEASE
  5. DJatomica

    DJatomica Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I don't want to change the recipe for the public version of the mod, but it's really easy to change the recipe yourself. I'll even walk you through it right now.

    1: Open the .recipe file, which can be found by following the folder paths in the recipe folder. You should be able to find it easily enough. To open it, you can use a simple text editor such as Notepad. I use Notepad++ to code.
    2: Edit the part of the file that says input, meaning what you have to input to get the wings. It currently just has { "item" : "money", "count" : 1 }, which is one credit. You can change the '1' to anything you want to have the recipe require more credits or remove it entirely. Now, under it (or in place of it if you removed it), put the lines:
    { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : X }
    { "item" : "fabric", "count" : Y }
    Remember to change the X and Y values to the amount you want to be required for the recipe.

    Now, to change it to the metalworks station, here's what you gotta do:
    You'll notice that the recipe file is inside many different folders, the path for it being "KonanWingsMod \ assets \ recipes \ starter \ plain".
    You wanna change the name of the last 2 folders so that the path becomes "KonanWingsMod \ assets \ recipes \ tier1 \ metalworkstation".
    Basically, change the name of the folder "starter" to "tier1", and the name of the folder "plain" to "metalworkstation".

    Done! You are now a modder! Have fun using the same techniques to make OP equipment of your own!

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