RELEASED Kobold Farmer (1.1)

Discussion in 'Player' started by Giik, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. Giik

    Giik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    [​IMG] Kobold Farmer[​IMG]

    This is a simple little mod that replaces the player with a more kobold-y looking creature. They come in a rainbow of scale colors and have a variety of bony horns to top their heads with.​


    There's a readme file in the download that also tells you how to install it, but I'll put it here as well.
    Install instructions:

    -Extract the contents of the zip and place them wherever. Alternatively, just highlight everything inside the zip and copy them.

    -Locate where the Stardew Valley folder is. By default it should be in "C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley" but if you chose a different install location for steam then the path might be different.

    -Alternatively, right click Stardew Valley in steam's library, go to Properties, switch to the Local Files tab, and select Browse Local Files.

    -Once you're in the folder (you can tell if "Stardew Valley.exe" is in it), open the Content folder, then Characters, then Farmer. There should be a bunch of .xnb files inside it named "farmer_base.xnb", "hairstyles.xnb" and such.

    -Copy the extracted zip files from earlier (if you copied them without extracting the folder, you don't need to do it again) and paste them into the folder. It should ask you if you want to replace or skip files with the same name. Pick Replace if it asks.

    -Launch the game and see if it works!

    This is heavily inspired off of the Furry/Anthro Player mod, found here:
    Since this is the first release there's a few issues abound that I'm not sure how to solve. In-game testing seemed mostly fine, but the character creator itself tends to display things incorrectly sometimes.
    Also, female kobolds blink weird. Not sure how to fix that quite yet.

    This mod replaces the files farmer_base, farmer_girl_base, hairstyles, and skinColors, so it'll be incompatible with other mods that need those same files replaced.

    This mod works online, but only on your end. You won't appear as a kobold to anyone else unless they have the mod installed as well.
    Anyway, thanks for checking this out! If you like the mod, consider donating to my Ko-fi here:

    And feedback is always appreciated! Positive or negative, both are important.​
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
    • Karmylla

      Karmylla Space Kumquat

      Oh gosh, this is so well done, kudos for such an excellent job!!!
      And thank you for sharing!!!
      • cottoncandyshark

        cottoncandyshark Void-Bound Voyager

        Since I was wandering through this, and I am slightly tempted someday to do a furry/anthro playthrough, you can do something similar to the headdresses and feathers depending on like the Argonians from Elderscrolls. But ultimately, it's up to you.
        But thannnnk yoooou. I love dem reptiles. <3
        • Sugar-Fable

          Sugar-Fable Phantasmal Quasar

          I dont really know what a Kobold is, but I like this mod! A winged version would be cool~
          • cottoncandyshark

            cottoncandyshark Void-Bound Voyager

            Kobolds could basically be the butt of a joke, depending on what lore you pull from. (Or really all lore)

            They tend to be reptillian creatures, reminiscent of dragons or lizardfolk, but also tend to be really, really stupid.

            Sometimes, random games decides to make them other species based, like Ragnarok Online did, and made them doge-like. xD; But I dig it. And there could be one, if the OP decides to do so. Deekin from the Dungeons and Dragons realm was part of a red-dragon disciple class, and had wings. xD;
              Sugar-Fable likes this.
            • Giik

              Giik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I've updated the mod to version 1.1! The big change here is that there's a full array of 32 horn styles, instead of the 16 i had before. I also fixed some existing horn styles so they fit both genders of kobold better. Let me know what you think! I've updated the download link in the OP so it's the updated version.​
              • Sugar-Fable

                Sugar-Fable Phantasmal Quasar

                Like I said then, I don't know what a kobold is really jgnrjuf I was just thinking it'd look nice with the dragon theme~ Plus, according to an earlier reply, some version had wings.
                • Taciturn Creature

                  Taciturn Creature Space Hobo

                  I'm having an issue.
                  The tail disappears completely when my character faces upward.
                  • cat9412

                    cat9412 Phantasmal Quasar

                    I converted this to Content Patcher cuz, well, why not :D?!?!

                    *Could not fix the tail disappearing, but im gonna look around and see if i can ^^;

                      Attached Files:

                    • Axid

                      Axid Space Hobo

                      Did you end up finding a fix for the tail thing? From my observation it seems that it is not loading the players lower half at all. You can see the absence of legs with skirts.
                        Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
                      • azziikko

                        azziikko Space Hobo

                        Would love to see this updated.
                        • general_dragon

                          general_dragon Yeah, You!

                          hello i just made this kobold mod a android compatible, so everybody can enjoy this awesome mod even on the go ^^
                          • voidrunner404

                            voidrunner404 Space Hobo

                            This is awesome :D

                            Now if only there could be a playmode where you are a kobold, trying to take care of a dragon xD (idea not originally mine)

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