So, since we're on the topic of armor spriting... Can we expect to see more midriff-baring stuff (vanity, maybe light armors)? It would kind of fit the subtropical/sub-Saharan themes of their home. And, it's a legitimate way for making half the armor/spriting area but all the style. Also, looking back at this mod, I think you coined the term "arm dress". I googled it and got nothing relevant back specifically to arms wearing dresses.
Yeah, about the subtropical home thing. Yeah, Nepet has a bunch of biomes and Kineptic inhabit them all (changes like this happen when you go back and write their history from the very start of their civilization). What can I say? I'm a trendsetter. Armdresses would mostly be worn by persons of interest during dignified situations. Weddings, naming of thaumaturges, etc. And no, you will not be seeing any more armor sets in the forseeable future. They are a highly defining feature of a species, yes, but it sucks the life out of you. Seriously, the devs involved with spriting have my respect. I may sketch some of their outfits from each environment they inhabit for reference in case there's someone crazy enough to try to do it.
Have you considered making Nepet the official hub of the Kineptic in their own storyline? I don't feel like they'd be very welcomed in the Terrene Protectorate, or at least not officially accepted right off the bat like some other races. Besides, working on a hub might give you more inspiration as opposed to the accursed armor spriting. Then again, Nepet sounds like it would be, at the very least, a 30k planet, if that's even possible.
Well considering the kineptic storyline is their history from the dawn of civilization, it kind of already is their hub. Y'know the old saying about the tip of the Iceberg? Ya'll've only seen a single snowflake on the top of that iceberg. Nepet is roughly the same size as earth, if you're referring to its size. On the contrary, Kineptic would probably be readily accepted by the Terrene Protectorate, given the Protectorate's primary purpose is to, well, protect, and the kineptic attribute their existence to an entity they call "The Guardian". There is a very strong probability that kineptic in general would be enthusiastic to work with them. ... might need to put an epilepsy warning on them, though.
Do the Kineptic have a lore page or a website to tell of their origins. As a lore junkie I tend to like looking for the lore in any game, movie, and story. These guys being one of my favorite races I would love to learn more about them any way I can.
I think there's a document floating around somewhere, but I'm pretty sure there's obsolete information in it (like the description on the front page). The actual story is in a bit of flux right now since I constantly retell it to myself and come up with new ideas for how to connect it and build character development and such. If there's anything specific you want to know about, I'd be happy to share the state of things as they are currently with the caveat that things may be subject to change. I suppose I should first get it out of the way that their "magic" is not very prevalent thus far in the written story other than binding their history together in a progression of "chosen ones" who are able to wear the original pair of gloves given to the first kineptic by The Guardian. Anyone who tries to wear them without his blessing will be consumed by them. I'm trying to come up with a mechanism reasonable enough to grant the suspension of disbelief by most people. Currently I'm running with their technology functioning via a new force that sort of parallels our understanding of gravity: it's there and they can make use of it, but they aren't entirely sure exactly what it is. They have a number of theories as to the deeper workings of it, but all they really know is that the technology requires a fuel source and that an intelligent agent must be driving it. Sentience isn't sufficient: the user must be sapient (capable of logic, reasoning, morals, altruism, etc.). If you have more specific topics you're interested in, feel free to ask.
Mostly on how and why they have such advance "Super Science"/Magic being the fact that they themselves don't know how it even works. Is their history similar to the Avian's and Kluex that a more advanced individual(s) came and gave them this technology? Also I remember that the energy is gained from the wearer through taking their energy, which is why they eat so much, but what happens if they do not eat or replenish their energy storage
Don't read too much into the whole eating thing. The technology draws from their metabolism. They lose weight based on the amount of energy output required to perform a task. There are different grades of gloves in modern society, from civilian to industrial to military. I haven't looked into the specifics for any of these because my brain doesn't math good. But for the original gloves they got from the Guardian operating at full efficiency, one pound equals about 198 Petajoules. This leads to answering what happens when the gloves are overused: they lose weight, and eventually suffer organ failure. Thaumaturge Baspherteti experienced this when creating a storm (and the associated storm surge) to put out a massive forest fire caused by an erupting volano. If you've ever seen pictures of the emaciated occupants of concentration camps, that'll give you an idea of what she looked like. They received the gloves from the Guardian early in their history, but it wasn't until thousands of years later that staves come on to the scene, and several thousand more until gloves as ya'll know them exist. About 500 years after staves gloves are developed that allow for pseudocybernetic thumbs, but that's the extent of it; no moving objects from a distance.
Wow! Thanks for the extra information I really love this race. And it is nice to see someone who does care about their race enough to have a pretty good backstory. Been watching and playing this mod for awhile and have loved seeing it change and progress. Keep up the good work!!!
Absolutely love the lore. I try to limit my posting on this forum (because it's the only mod/forum I'm active in) but I've been wanting to ask about lore myself. Then again, I kinda don't wanna become a nuisance with all the questions floating through my head. Forgive me in advance for my Nuisancesomeness™. Perhaps the consumption with respect to the gloves could be a mechanism that's related to genetics. Please forgive my plebian knowledge, as I'm not a degreed scientist (I love science, though) but it's suggested many of the traits people have are genetically inclined, such as the fighter gene and genes that promote uncommon generosity. Perhaps the gloves consume people AFTER attempting to dissuade them before/during use. I would assume The Guardian would at least vet an "unworthy" individual who would attempt to use them before total annihilation, as even the best protected artifacts can accidentally fall into the wrong hands. Maybe the gloves have a genetic scanning mechanism and the "Blessed" ranks of early users possess an "Altruism Gene" as a failsafe to assure the best usage? Or maybe, going back to metabolic burn, the blessed have specific mitochondrial genetics that don't immediately reduce them to walking skeletons when the gloves are used, as they possess a mutation for extreme efficiency in bioenergy usage? In both scenarios, the failsafe for usage would be in the user's own body; thus, the annihilation mechanism (by glove or by attrition) COULD possibly suspend disbelief to a level you're looking for. If you weren't looking for suggestions, forgive my forwardness. I'm not trying to be a bother. OH! And also, whoever discovers the particle/energy/force behind the gloves, does the particle get named after them? Something like, "Haphutshetrons"?
It's true that things can fall into the wrong hands (or paws as may be the case), but the dissuasion mechanism is the threat of annihilation. The death is not instant, though: the unauthorized wearer has a few seconds to take them off, but this usually results in what appears to be heavy radiation burns and fur loss. As for genetics being the mechanism by which access is granted... that would mean kineptic from a family known to have a Thaumaturge in its lineage would have a higher chance of yielding a candidate. Indeed, the first three Thaumaturges are in fact a trio of grandfather, father, and son consecutively. So your theory in this respect would hold water. The authentication mechanism isn't what I was referring to with the "suspension of disbelief", though. I know how it works, but I want to explain it in a way that doesn't seem too "dark matter"-y. You know, something that can't be explained by our current models but can be explained by a reworking of a model in a way that can account for all observations. Basically, I'm in way over my head and have no hope for succeeding in that I've considered explaining it in a sort of flatland type approach where the gloves acquire the energy and exert the force by means of transfering the energy through some medium in a fourth, unseen spatial dimension. This would, in my mind, explain why the gloves do not require invasive surgery to create an interface and exert remote forces without any obvious means of transferring that energy. I'm not sure how other people would react to it, though. They have a name for particle/energy/force: nevmatism. I've always just called the gloves "gloves", but I once wrote a short dissertation by a kineptic scientist in which he uses the more fancy-sounding term of "nevmatics" to describe the actual technology used to make them. You shouldn't be afraid to ask questions. If you're trying to limit your posting but still have a plethora of questions, you can hit me up in a private conversation if you'd like.
Well, thank you. It's always great to have passionate content creators like yourself make time for people who have questions. Don't be surprised if I do pm you. Cause most likely, I'll take up that offer. Cause boy do I EVER have an absolute metric ton of questions that would have me posting here daily and bloating this discussion section needlessly ("needlessly" read as: burning curiosity that probably could wait because it's only satisfying my brain-itch.)
what happened to my second most favorite race in starbound I cant get it off the steam workshop and it's out dated here
Wow, someone actually went through outdated to look for this. Sorry man, but sometimes priorities in life change, interests wax and wane, and other such things arise that garner more attention. I haven't dropped the kineptic, but this mod has stagnated and I'm not able to tell the story I want to tell with it.