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Discussion in 'Weapons, Armor and Clothes' started by Aimay, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't know what im doing wrong... i keep getthing this green blob thing isntead of they keyblade

    Attached Files:

    • 23.png
      File size:
      493.4 KB
  2. mvhnexus

    mvhnexus Pangalactic Porcupine

    dont know. its working for me.
  3. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    i put they code in player config.
    where should we put the keyblade png/recipe/etc. files at?
    I put mines on swords/others with the hunting knife.
    maybe thats why but i don't know.

    heres the pics. are these the right folders to put them in?

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  4. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    where are your png files for the weapons
  5. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    i put it in starbound/assets/items/swords/others
  6. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    wierd ill see if mine loads if not its getting nuked
  7. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    you put them in the same folder as I did right? hmmm.. i don't know what else could be the problem.
  8. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    well i can see mine as a keyblade and not a generic object
    rasa how are you installing your mods?
    im using Notepad++ to edit the configs
  9. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    They don't go in 'other' they go in starter.
    nerdofcolor and Rasawin like this.
  10. mvhnexus

    mvhnexus Pangalactic Porcupine

    the recipes goes into recipes folder. not in other!

    Attached Files:

    Rasawin likes this.
  11. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    i can't find a folder name called starter? do I use make a folder name starter and put it in?
  12. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    To get to the right folder you need to go from assets to recipes then to starter and finally to plain. Place the files into that folder.
    Rasawin likes this.
  13. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    Aimay as always these are awesome x) I was hoping you'd update them!
  14. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Well, I can't deny my awesomeness.
    nerdofcolor likes this.
  15. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    awesome! do I also put the .png files of the keylades in the starter/plain folder? the name shows up now but i still get this green blob thing, and not the actual keyblade
  16. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    No, the PNG files go in the swords folder. The folders give very clear instructions.
    Rasawin likes this.
  17. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    sorry, i finally got it now. its that when i downloaded the rar file. the folder name came up in square boxes for me so i basically had no instructions. but now i got it thanks to your patience and help!
  18. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

  19. Rasawin

    Rasawin Void-Bound Voyager

    so are they in the right folder now? starting up SB takes a while for my pc.. so i just want to make sure i dont waste time going in and seeing it not working.

    EDIT: do i need any modders for this? or i can just use them without having a modder

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  20. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    It appears so, yes.

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