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Discussion in 'Weapons, Armor and Clothes' started by Aimay, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero


    This mod adds several custom weapons called Keyblades into Starbound. Keyblades are a weapon used in the Kingdom Hearts game series and have many variants.

    All of the variants are in one easy to use folder and you can pick and choose which ones you want to use.

    And added extra for the Keyblades is they work just like a Hunting Knife in that when you kill a monster with a Keyblade the monster will drop meat and leather.

    1 Pixel

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keyblade" },' line to the player.config.

    King's Keyblade
    1 Pixel [It was a request]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladei" },' line to the player.config.

    Oathkeeper & Oblivion
    Around the same as Mickey's Keyblade.
    1 Pixel each [for now]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladel" },' and ' { "item" : "keybladed" },' line to the player.config.

    Ultima Weapon
    1 Pixel each [for now]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladeu" },' line to the player.config.

    Way to the Dawn
    1 Pixel each [for now]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladeb" },' line to the player.config.

    REDIRECT http://community.playstarbound.com/...lades-buster-sword-winchester-rifle-etc.1542/
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  2. PolarStar

    PolarStar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Unfortunately I think a weapon with Level 5 penetration isn't "mid-late game".
    SorasNobodyXIII likes this.
  3. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Well it has the hunting effect and is a higher level than the bow and hunting knife, also costs at least more than something. So you wont be getting it within your first hour at least.
  4. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    Could you make the (King Mickey) inverse colored keyblade, specifically for the purpose of having a better keyblade? One with higher armor penetration (not that it will matter in the next couple days) Or can you point out where to change the value in the script? I have way better weapons in terms of practical use but WHO CARES keyblades are where it's at.

    Oh and also this is beautiful you are a great person.
  5. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    You know what... For you, I'll make that. What weapon do you want it to be on tier with? [show me da stats]

    Flattery, will get you everywhere.
    nerdofcolor likes this.
  6. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    Let's see it's description is "a uncommon tier2broadswoard, does flame damage it has 41 armor penetration, .68 swing speed, and it has 44 damage per swing." So on tier with that? I don't care if it shares those characteristics though haha just the damage. I didn't think you would say yes at all! You are truly awesome.

    Also: Is adding in premade sprites difficult?
  7. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Wow I must say this is quite great!
    Everything looks good about it, except the coloration and shading on the keyblade just looks a TAD too complex compared to Starbound's style.
    Not that it matters much though, good job!
  8. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Here you go.

    Mickey's Keyblade - http://www.mediafire.com/download/l7qz9w45o53ot4k/Mickey's Keyblade.rar
    Don't forget to add the { "item" : "keyblade" }, part in the player.config.

    And if you consider they HAVE to be the right size for Starbound weapons then kinda, but for most its fine.

  9. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

  10. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    Thanks you're a doll. I'm having trouble finding where to add it in the player config, is there any line I should throw it in after? (This is the first mod I've cared enough for to install haha)
  11. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    Based on the crafting table I'd put it under "Tier 1:", just look at the lines there and copy their layout. :)
  12. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    I believe ' { "item" : "keyblade" },' is supposed to go into the player config, I was asking where it should go in that. (Though I just searched the config for Tier 1 anyway and found nothing) I thought I read somewhere new items should go into the line just above the copper pickaxe or something but since I don't really know I figured it'd be best to ask about.
    EDIT: I am using notepad in godforsaken windows 8 so the usual neat and tidy format is *****ed. Makes me a sad panda. Don't know why they even made changes to the notepad now it just runs on and on or you can wrap it which just looks horrifying when you're looking through files.
  13. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Just under the "tier1" : [ part. There's a big list and you can place it anywhere.

    Don't forget to add both { "item" : "keyblade" }, and { "item" : "keybladei" },
  14. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, Sorry, I appear to have left a space between Tier and 1. :p

    Copper pickaxe is under Tier 1 as it's an item you automatically unlock when you enter tier one. (Start of the game)
  15. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    YAY Mickey's keyblade it worked. You are my new forum best friend a position previously occupied by yourself (since you made the keyblade as well)
    Thank you for your help Black--snow. And thank you for the keyblade Aimay : D
  16. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Anytime. ^-^ Im always open to suggestions.
  17. mvhnexus

    mvhnexus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Amazing! one of my favorite swords!
  18. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Added new Keyblades:

    Oathkeeper & Oblivion
    A mod to add Keyblades to Starbound. These weapons are meant for mid-late gamers and are bought in an anvil.

    1 Pixel each [for now]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladel" },' and ' { "item" : "keybladed" },' line to the player.config.

    DOWNLOAD : http://www.mediafire.com/download/5zbx8c8sfsbfi3u/Keyblades.rar
    mvhnexus likes this.
  19. nerdofcolor

    nerdofcolor Star Wrangler

    0__0 if you want suggestions I could go on all day :p Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game series tied only with Metal Gear Solid.
  20. Aimay

    Aimay Big Damn Hero

    Added new Keyblade:

    Ultima Weapon
    A mod to add another Keyblade to Starbound. These weapons are meant for mid-late gamers and are bought in an anvil.


    1 Pixel each [for now]

    Don't forget to add the ' { "item" : "keybladeu" },' line to the player.config.

    DOWNLOAD : http://www.mediafire.com/download/149cb9a33qa9fob/Keyblades(2).rar
    mvhnexus likes this.

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