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Bug/Issue Kegs Destroyed When Taking Wine Out

Discussion in 'Support' started by soulcaketuesday, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. soulcaketuesday

    soulcaketuesday Space Hobo

    Hello, I have a collection of kegs off my farm on the mountain path, which I've never had a problem with until today. I go to collect my wine, which is successful, but the keg is destroyed as I click on it. All of them were doing this. I tried doing it with and without the fruit for the next batch selected in my hands. I didn't have any tools selected at any time when clicking on them. None of my kegs or other items on the farm are doing this. And none of my items off farm (crab pots, tree tappers, crystalariums, etc.) are doing this either. I exited to title and tried several other times, a little scared to save that day. It's day 8 of Fall, Year 9, a rainy day. Any help or input would be appreciated
    • soulcaketuesday

      soulcaketuesday Space Hobo

      I went back a day in my save, and waited until later in the day when the kegs would be ready, and did the same thing. Here is a video of it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
      • MysticTempest

        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

        Could you zip up your save & post it here?
        This bug sort of looks like this old one I come across where craftables on the farm instantly break: https://community.playstarbound.com...-thank-you-mystictempest.136296/#post-3210466

        It was due to some bad debris data in the farm location; so I'm a bit curious if it's the same debris code issue.
        • soulcaketuesday

          soulcaketuesday Space Hobo

          Attached Files:

        • MysticTempest

          MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

          I took a look, and yep; it was the same bug. A Hazelnut spawned in the backwoods area with your kegs at location "0,0".
          I removed that Hazelnut, and loaded back in to test. The kegs seem fine now. But, let me know if you do come across any other issues.

            Attached Files:

          • soulcaketuesday

            soulcaketuesday Space Hobo

            Thank you thank you thank you!!! It seems to be working just fine now.
              MysticTempest likes this.

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