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RELEASED Kangaru Race v0.5A

Kangaruus are abound!

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  1. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    I need to make this very clear with everyone who keeps asking me to make my race mod compatible with other race mods.

    This is not a situation that I or anyone else but the devs can fix. The current problem lies with how the game currently handles loading any of the configuration files that each custom race mod requires in order to work.

    To put it more clearly, the game uses a set of specific parameters in each configuration file (eg = player.config) in order to understand what to load however, when the game attempts to load two or more configuration files that use different load orders, the game becomes confused as to which gets priority since it's only suppose to load "one" configuration file (hence why the game crashes when "loading" the files).

    Until the merging/overriding functions (detailed here) becomes available in a future patch, I just like everyone else making mods have no control over the issue. I'm sorry if you wish to use the Kangaru race mod with other races but this is the current situation which I have no control over.

    If you're truly that desperate to make every race mod you want to use compatible with each other, you would have to copy/paste everything in to a single mod folder. This also means you have to manually adjust every single line that's been altered within the configuration files that's being used by each race mod (which will be time consuming since no two configs are the same and it's easy to miss something important). Even then, there's no guarantee that this will work as it can also lead to "clashing" of specific parameters (there may be a mod that requires a dependency but another has it disabled by default). This is all I can suggest but I personally don't recommend it because if you have to remove something, you have to be sure somethings not being used by another mod.

    Sorry. :(
    Kawa likes this.
  2. xtomass

    xtomass Orbital Explorer

    Definetly a cool bunch of Kangaroos. Would definitely like to have a kangaroo spawner! xD

    Also I featured this mod in my Mod List series
    (Can I beg thee to add this video to the description of the mod?)
  3. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    Don't worry. I have a lot of time!
    So basically, i only need to add the lines manually to .species / charcreation.config ( i already done both, i changed their ID so they don't conflict and added the extra lines) / Codex.config/ Quest.config and player.config/universe_server.config?

    Doesn't sound too hard at all ;)
    Oh! And i also made them show up correctly in character creation screen with the other mod. Very easy to edit in the config.
  4. Taphy

    Taphy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey I Am Back To Give Advice On What To Next!
    To Make The Mod Even Better (Even Though It Is My Favorite Mod In The Races Section)
    You Could Give It Its Own Codex Maybe Its Own Weapons Or Even Its Own NPCs That Would Make The Most Downloaded Mod On This Section

    -legoboy78746 :up:
  5. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero


    Because the devs have listened to our pleas to help with the ID confliction issue, they have fixed the problem!

    * Custom races now don't require a specified ID code in the species.config (aka no more race-hogging slots on the character creation screen).
    * Custom races don't require the charcreation.config in the mod if you're using a character creation screen extender to access them! Mods like the Simple Extended Character Creation Mod will now provide the slots for you! :D

    I will be uploading a new version momentarily. :D
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  6. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    If that'strue, I can edit the Angry Update for my charcreation mod again. Good news indeed though.

    Turns out if I set Felins to #9 (having no other extra species but the default), it puts them in the 10th slot but they also don't respond correctly. So don't do that!
  7. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    That's the thing! With the charcreation.config, you don't require an ID code anymore to add in slots. For example...

      "__merge" : [],
      "paneLayout" : {
        "species" : {
          "buttons" : [
              "image" : "",
              "position" : [54, 26]
    ... and if you're using a character creation screen extender, you can simply just "delete" the charcreation.config from the mod. I just keep it there in case people don't want to use an extender. :)
    Kawa likes this.
  8. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Meowth, that's right!
  10. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Phantasmal Quasar

    Ya gotta fic the problems with the mod! when i install i i get all sorts of errors and starbound wont even load up. i am using Angry Koala
  11. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey dude. I should let you know your mod is now sort of going to be featured in my videos for a long time. Since the "host" is named Hopper Modpaws and is a Kangaru ;)

    He's introduced here in my 2nd Starbound Mod Outpost video lol. Thanks again for making this sweet mod! Cheers!
    espilonarge likes this.
  12. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    Uhh, can you kind of be a bit more specific? What error message are you getting? I can't exactly narrow it down without a fair idea of what might be going wrong. n.n;
    OMG! So much publicity on this mod that it's making the little ol' modder blush... #n.n#

    Thank you so much for enjoying the mod and hopefully I will have plenty more contents for the race through out in the weeks to come. :D
    VIcariousViking likes this.
  13. xkenja

    xkenja Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok, so here's the problem I'm having... http://imgur.com/U18vh7R (this error occurs before the character selection screen but after the main menu)

    The player file specified there is my old Kangaru player file. When I try just deleting it, I'm able to go into character selection and creation, but the Kangaru race does not appear as an option in character creation. I tried adding a line of code to the .species file, saying "playerSpecies" : true, which is something I saw on some site that you had to do to fix race mods for this update (instead of ID slots). However, that didn't fix either problem (the old player file not working and the kangaru race not appearing in character creation).

    I suspect both issues have to do with the game not recognizing Kangaru as a race for some reason...but I couldn't find why, specifically. Sorry!
  14. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    If you can go in to the kangaru/interface and drag the charcreation.config in to the windowconfig folder, this should resolve the "missing" kangaru icon on the Character Creation screen. I've re-uploaded a new version of v0.3b to resolve this issue for others.

    As for the character UUID issue, I suspect it might be from how the new functions are handled by the game engine from the recent Angry Koala update. The only thing I can suggest is trying a new Kangaru character and see if it works before attempting to use your older Kangaru characters (there might be something within the old saves that isn't compatible with the current game-to-mod setup).
  15. xkenja

    xkenja Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the quick update! I was actually able to fix the "missing" character creation icon issue by downloading the elven race mod, which came coupled with the character creation mod, fixing all of my issues. None of my old custom race player files are working, so I'll just have to start those characters anew. No big deal
  16. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

  17. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm not really sure....it kept coming up with like charcreation stuff saying...I wish i could be of more help.[/quote]
  18. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    A warning to all Kangaru race mod users.

    If you are getting a "PlayerException: No such stored player with uuid" error, this is because of the new format that's used as of the Angry Koala update regarding how the game now handles the ID codes. When the game attempts to load the character roster after selecting Single/Multiplayer, it will not find the original ID code that was used when saving your characters before Angry Koala.

    To resolve this issue, you must go to your player folder in your Starbound directory and delete the player files and start from scratch, sorry for the inconvenience.
  19. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Phantasmal Quasar

    Good news by the way! It seems whatever changes you made have enabled the mod to work for me! Thank you and keep up the good work!
  20. espilonarge

    espilonarge Big Damn Hero

    Glad it's working for you, sorry to have caused you problems. :)

    If you do however run in to issues again, I suggest opening the starbound.log file (located in your Starbound folder) with a text editor, locate the error (always found near the bottom) and give a heads up about it. It would really help to narrow down the problem and discover a fix. n.n;
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