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Outdated Kamen Rider OOO 1.5 | Enraged Koala

Taka, Tora, Batta! Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!

  1. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    Adds Kamen Rider OOO Armor

    Pictured: Tatoba, Latorartar, Gatakiriba, Tajadol, Sagohzo, Shauto


    Armor Details:
    There are a number of separate pieces that include 'Status Effects'.

    These currently include:
    • Helmets:
      • Taka (EnergyIncrease)
      • Supertaka (EnergyIncrease, HawkEyes)
      • Lion (FireDamage)
      • Kuwagata (ElectroDamage)
      • Sai (EnergyIncrease)
      • Shachi (EnergyIncrease)

    • Chests:
      • Kujaku (FireDamage)
      • Tora (HealthIncrease)
      • Kamakiri (ReduceFallDamage)
      • Gorilla
      • Unagi (HealthIncrease)

    • Legs:
      • Condor (Glide)
      • Cheetah (Glide, RunBoost)
      • Batta (Glide, JumpBoost)
      • Zou (JumpBoost)
      • Tako (JumpBoost)

    Installation / Upgrading:
    Drop the KamenRiderOOO.modpak file in your Starbound/mods/ folder
    NOTE: If upgrading, delete the KamenRiderOOO folder

    Crafted at the Spinning Wheel for 1 Fabric (create a new Spinning Wheel to receive the blueprints)

    There are a number of other armor pieces for OOO, any specific requests, let me know.

    Helmet: Ptrea
    Chests: Tricera
    Legs: Tyranno

    Helmet: Cobra
    Chests: Kame, Kangaroo, Imagin, Panda
    Legs: Wani, Shocker

    Thanks to:
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  2. Deliphin

    Deliphin Pangalactic Porcupine

    Kamen Rider isn't something I thought was popular enough to hit starbound. I guess I'm happy I was wrong.
  3. basta

    basta Void-Bound Voyager

    works in multiplayer?
  4. Deliphin

    Deliphin Pangalactic Porcupine

    If the server has the mod: Yes.
    If the server doesn't: No.
    I haven't even downloaded it and I know that by the fact it adds new items.
  5. InevitableChoice

    InevitableChoice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Could you make Gaim armors? I've love to have them in starbound.
  6. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

  7. InevitableChoice

    InevitableChoice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  8. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry about that. There isn't a very clear list of Status Effects. I've removed the ones that were doing damage in the latest update (1.2). Re-craft the armor to get a copy without those effects.
  9. InevitableChoice

    InevitableChoice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you! :D
  10. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    ja450n updated Kamen Rider OOO with a new update entry:

    v1.2 - Reposting ZIP file

    Fixed Bugs:
    • Removed Status Effect: Status Effects are very unclear and hardly documented at this point, I've removed the ones that were doing damage to the player. Note: For the change to take effect, the item must be re-crafted.
    • During the running animation there was one pixel out of place on the knee.

    • Armor: Sai, Gorilla, Zou
    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  11. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    It's possible but knowing that Gaim's armors may sometimes be asymmetric (Baron!). Also, speaking of Gaim mod, I imagine the Suika arms as a Mech-type tech.
  12. InevitableChoice

    InevitableChoice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That would be an awesome tech.
  13. Strikeriderhenshin

    Strikeriderhenshin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is Beautiful, Finally some riders and not just sentai, no that im complaining about the sentai, but i like having my options
  14. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the few minor asymmetrical parts like in Banana Arms would be so small that they wouldn't be terribly noticeable (as opposed to Kamen Rider W, which I REALLY wanted to do but haven't due to how it'd be wrong half the time)

    I haven't done any custom tech yet, but I agree Suika Arms would be pretty awesome in game.
  15. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Space Spelunker

    This is so awesome! Your my absolute favorite. Imagine a whole Kamen Rider themed server! Different planets could be like different worlds in decade, where different ones would have different kind of things to collect, like rings, or lockseeds, or medals, etc. Anywho, thats me getting ahead of myself, just excited to see that there are a few toku fans around. Definitely seconding the Gaim request, or any other riders or toku stuff really.
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  16. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    I think you're the third person who's in favor of Kamen Rider Gaim, so it looks like I'll have to do that next. No promises on a Suika Arms Mech, but I'll definitely look into it.

    Once I finish and release the OOO Shauta Combo (Shachi, Unagi, Tako) I'll start working on Gaim.
  17. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Space Spelunker

    :D! I don't know what made you so cool, but I want some.
  18. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

  19. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

  20. 5future

    5future Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will you add the "kamen rider super one" ? just asking

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