Whats the general theme for the Kalbian anyway? haven't figured it out yet. They're kind of steam punky.
The original design for their style is a sort of art nouveau with flowing lines and decoration, something reminiscent of the renaissance but instead of what should be in a most beautiful wood, it's in metal, it's sharp, a bit rough looking and very basic, but has retained a style. This is a bit hard to reflect in the tiles due to the way Starbound works them, but the overall feel I want to give is a mix between a slight industrialism, sort of victorian/art nouveau styled things and modern tech. Essentially imagine if we kept to our old post renaissance styles even in very late space days and make something usually very non-existant in future techy settings. The original ship that was scrapped was much larger and had a lot more of these designs played up.
Well I was going to work on dialogue, village spawners etc. That's what racial crossover does, right?
=) the other custom race mods would be able to interact with one another when you pass their villages. So other custom mods that are integrated in the racial crossover will recognize your race so it has more immersion~ But you have to contact the fella workin on the mod and he's always open for it. So far nephalim, pelgaci, grey, mantis, m..ulani? (those fish ppl), 2 of the reptile folks, and that mouse race mod are in the racial crossover =)
Well it sounds like a great idea! I'll def. look into that once I've reworked the lore a bit, given them some more character definition to play off on and added the dialogue. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hey guys, I'd just like to thank all of you for one thousand downloads, it means a lot to me and I haven't forgotten the mod. There is content on it's way, just been a bit busy the last few week. Seriously though, all of you are awesome! So to celebrate Really awesome pic made by someone on another forum.
This is awesome, the ship's beautiful, each of the items is great, my only problem is the clock doesn't actually go tick tock meeeeh. Also, when do you expect to have Kalbian spawners?
I'd have to figure out NPCs before I can make the spawners, anyone who knows anything about the matter can let me know and I'll save some time by either posting here or PM'ing me. Sorry for delay guys, been busy with other things. I have a bunch of stuff done but it's all partially finished so I can't release it quite yet. Just hang in there!
Judging from your profile picture, and from the names, i suppose you're a monster hunter player, huh ?
BWL updated Kalbian Race with a new update entry: Version 1.1.0 Read the rest of this update entry... Check out the description in the Overview to get a better idea of how the new update works! Also, for all of you who've waited for it for way too long now; I will be fixing up the icons now before doing anything else, I apologize for the wait and I apologize for the time it took to get this update out. I've actually never played Monster Hunter, the profile picture is just the iron armor I came up with and I can't take any credits for the names as they are all either goat species, weapons or legendary weapons with their own mythos. -BWL
BWL updated Kalbian Race with a new update entry: 1.1.1 - Icons and bugfixes Read the rest of this update entry...
i hope this race is added to the game as well as the novakids and i made a goat and he name is BILLY!!!!!! the most awesome goat i was going to name him Mr.TinCans but after i got him looking like a billy goat i had to name him BILLY!!!!!
Thanks man! That'd be really cool indeed! Feel free to post a picture of Billy as well, it'd be cool to see him.
shiza, this may break my own mod, (involving the mm). Its been a while since i've looked at it mostly due to the placement model issue, but glad you updated