For my firssst performanccce, Floran will sssing Irisss by the Goo Goo Dollsss. ((For the music behind it listen to ---------------------------------------------------------- I'd give up my ssstabber to hugsss you Yesss I kno that you feel that sssomehow You are nicest monkey that I ever ssseen And I don't want to hunt you right nowsss And all I can tassste in thisss moment isss the ssstew that I madesss you lassst night When sssoner or later you finisssh I jussst hope you're feelingsss all right And I don't want the world to sssee me 'Caussse I'm sure that will ssscaress it away Thisss winged beassst I am ssstalking Isss the ssstew I will makesss you todaysss Can you hearsss all the Hyotlsss a coming All they dooo is ssstabsss us and liesss They are vile and sssmelly and awful I sure hopesss they all go and diesss [x 3] And I don't want the world to sssee me 'Caussse I'm sure that will ssscaress it away Thisss winged beassst I am ssstalking Isss the ssstew I will makesss you todaysss Isss the ssstew I will makesss you todaysss Isss the ssstew I will makesss you todaysss Isss the ssstew I will makesss you todaysss
Next sssong is by Daniel Flowter and is entitled "You had a bad hunt" (( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Where isss your ssstabber when needed the mossst A sssnap of a twig and the prey hasss been lossst The riversss not red at all today They sssaid your ssskillsss all gone away You don't need no sssstinking boonnessss You fell off the tree and ssstubbed your good toe You gotsss a bad cut while cleaningsss your bow You sssay that you quit, throw in the vine You ran out of arrowsss that lassst time You don't need no sssstinking boonnessss (chrous) Caussse you had a bad hunt Can't take a thing down You ssstabsss at a rock jussst to turn it around You sssay you can't hunts Well that isss a lie You are Floran now shout to the sssky You had a bad hunt Now go back and try Pick up your ssspear and toss it real high You had a bad hunt You had a bad hunt You needsss a new ssstabber today No care what they all will sssay You don't need no sssstinking boonnessss [chrous] (ohhhh ssstabbing day) Sssometimes you lossse the trail when you blink And the path that you taked wasss wrong You have to findsss your way back And you know that it'sss long gone Well it'sss not wroooong (SSStab, SSStab, SSStab, SSStabsss) So go get your ssstabber and back to your possst yeaaa you will ssstab tiesss it to hand ssso it doesssn't get lossst [chrous] Had a bad hunt[x4]
Floran usssed to be Queen of village, then Hyotls attack for NO reason, cocoonkin not like how Floran win battle. Thisss is Floransss ssstory. ((Coldplay - Viva la vida by suggestion of a friend ALSO! Juniper will now take your requests )) My golden leavesss unfurld The canopy parted at my mere word Now in the darknessss I wilt alone Pruneing leavesss I ussssed to own I usssed to hear the criesss Ass I ssstabbed at the Hyotls eyesss My ssstabber iss looong and keen All Floransss would cheer, "Long live the Queen!" Onccce I lived atoooop the tree Now the roots encroach on me The glory it sssslip throoough my handsss These gravel roots and leaves of sssand The ssscreams of foesss around are ringing Cocoonkin's stabbers and ssswordsss are ssswinging By my leavesss I shall not yield The woundsss I bear cannot be healed All thessse things I can't explain Why greenfinger hisss at my name Never honesst wordsss When my golden leavesss unfurld Anything that it took to win Sssacrifice wasss made of my kin Shattered trunkss and ssound of drumsss Floransss couldn't believe what I had done Greenfingerrrrss now wait To spread my budsss on a sssilver plate I have turned intooo a fiendsss Oh why did I wantss to be Queensss [x2] The ssscreams of foesss around are ringing Cocoonkin's stabbers and ssswords are ssswinging By my leavesss I shall not yield The woundsss I bear cannot be healed All thessse things I can't explain Now I sssit here draped in chainsss Never honessst wordsss When my golden leavesss unfurld
If Anyone has a song they wish Juniper to Floranize please speak up! I prefer to be able to play it in game, meaning I would like to have a .abc file for it, but it's not necessary. But if you have any .abc file that isn't available on the lotro forums or sites do share!
This is the funniest thing I've seen on the forums as of yet! I'm really suprised it hasn't garnered more support... I still hope you continue to do it! Since nobody else has requested anything, might I ask for "Yesterday" by the Beatles to be Floranized? I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a .abc for it.
Don't have a .abc (Don't know what that is) but I think it would be interesting if you did 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago...
maybe could you do "king and lion heart" by of monsters and men. heck just hearing any of these as an actual song rather than in my head would be awesome. you have earned the generals appreciation.
I think it would be funny if you Floranized a Disney villain song. Or even a happy and cheerful Disney song, Floranized to be a song about sssstabbingsss and ssssnackingssss, which would be even funnier. I'll leave it up to you which song would be the most entertaining.
IM BACKSSSS! Floran iss now composeing Yessterday by the Beatlesss. Floran really like this band, enjoy hanging around Beatelss but they are not singing sso much, are you sssure they are band? ((If someone wants to sing them by all means go ahead, I am far to shy to sing and no amount of coarsening will get me to =P))
Yesssterday by Beatless. This is about when Floran was still a bud, one day Hyotls come to village and chased use all away, all just for ACCIDENTALLY sstabbzing one when we hunt fissheys. It was a very sssad time. ((this one is rather short as expected. Not the happiest either , )) Yesssterday, all the Floransss did frolic and playy Now the Hyotls have chased them alll away T.T Oh, I wisssh it, were yessterdayss Sssuddenly there was fire rageing aaround me There's a 3 eyed shadow ovvver me Oh, yesssterday came suddenly [x2] Whyss they had to sstab Hyotls are all so mean We did nothingsss wrong Oh I wissh its yessterday Yesterday we sstabs the fisshyss easilaay Nowss we must run and hidess today Oh I wissh its yessterday
25 or 6 to 4:00 by Chicago. Floran write this after Greenfinger take her and 3 friends to the Drysap prisons((I know the song is about the actual process of writing a song but I liked the other theory more =P I atess the Dryssaps oncce todayy I jussst don't know what to sssay I feelss it coarssing through my viness Do I havess that much more timmesss I sssits here wissshing I had moreee twas Twenty five or sssix vss four Oh Floran hatesss thiss placce They threwed me down onto my facce Dont know if I can sstay awaaake How much more before I breaaak Should have tried to sstabss them moooreeee twas Twenty five or sssix vss four Floran isss going to esscape Down the hallss a crazy aape It helpss Floran run awayyyy Apes help save Floran toodayyy twas Twenty five or sssix vss four twas Twenty five or sssix vss four
hey could you maybe do "Gone, gone, gone" by Phillip Phillips, I'd love to see what I song like that would sound like written by a floran. also you should turn these into music videos, you'd be like the captainsparklez of starbound or something!
Florans are adorable and their accents are epic "as said by avian women" Great poem floran, don't eat me
***Transmission*** -The party was a mess. The roof caved in leaving vines strew about the place at one point, several Florans lay strewn about the room. They are all mumbling or gnawing on something, some are twitching a bit in tune with the jukebox which is still playing softly despite being on its back. There were even a few apex and even a human at the party! Juniper crawls to her feat groggily, a mic still in one hand , she reaches for... ...a piece of cheese- "Juniper iss bussy being a Floranss. Sshe'll be back ssoon." -a decidedly accent free and quite drunk voice can be heard in the background- "DO FREEBIRD!" before a crash cuts it short. "Sssome one get the human off the roofss pleas...- ***static*** ((Juniper will return soon, once I catch her again >.>))