Join my new host farm ? :3

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Hadrimme, May 14, 2018.

  1. Hadrimme

    Hadrimme Space Hobo

    Hi I'm Hadrimme <3
    I just created a new farm to test out the beta,
    wanna join my fam ? :nod:

    my steam name is
    if you'd like to add me & be friends !

    • MusicNomad

      MusicNomad Space Hobo

      added you on steam
      • dianamrap

        dianamrap Intergalactic Tourist

        Hello! If you're still looking for players, I'll join your farm. Added you on steam ***
        • AHfoxis

          AHfoxis Void-Bound Voyager

          added u on steam as well

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