Jas marriage mod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by windowcleaner446, Dec 2, 2020.

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  1. windowcleaner446

    windowcleaner446 Intergalactic Tourist

    hi so im asking if anyone has the jas marriage mod along with the portraits. before you view this as weird, im doing it because i want to see how fecked up this mod is, how ridiculous it is. thanks to anyone who would be kind enough to send it to me
    • Eros DkAl

      Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

      Yeah sure, no.
      The mod was banned and deleted, don't ask for something like that, and even less through one of these forums, it doesn't matter if it's because you just want to see it or for scientific studies. That's a ridiculous reason.
      The mod itself was made just for fun, but even so, in that mod Jas is still just a kid, and having a loving and romantic relationship with a kid is considered p********a.
      So don't ask for it. Period.
        Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
      • windowcleaner446

        windowcleaner446 Intergalactic Tourist

        i would understand if you would reply to me with this if i was asking for actual child p*rn, but as you said this mod was made as a joke (also it isnt a sex mod), and it doesnt actually harm anyone if someone sees it because this character is fictional
        also, lolis are legal in most places, just saying (and before you ask or assume that i watch loli anime or hentai, i dont, but, as i said, it doesnt harm anyone because the characters arent real)
        • Iris Blanche

          Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

          This mod you're asking for is definitely not PG13 and therefor not allowed on these forums. If you want that questionable stuff in your game for whatever reason i highly recommend asking for that weird stuff on another platform.
          • windowcleaner446

            windowcleaner446 Intergalactic Tourist

            what platform? do you have any link to one since idk
            • Iris Blanche

              Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

              I am not going to link questionable stuff here nor do I want to look up that stuff either. Fire up google if you want stuff that is not PG13 or even more questionable like that specific case here.

              Also closing this topic. Non-PG13 stuff is not to be found here.
                bad0end likes this.
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