JAS EVENTS MOD or CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR JAS [INTRODUCTORY VIDEO] I should be ashamed with how dumb it is. So very ashamed. [FEATURES] - Default violet dress and optional pink dress! - Expanded custom portraits for both violet dress and pink dress! - Events (2 hearts, 4 hearts, 6 hearts, 8 hearts and 10 hearts)! - Expanded dialogue! - NO Dating! NO Marriage! [HOW TO INSTALL] Make a back up of your Content folder and of your savefile. Extract the rar in your game folder and overwrite everything. [SCREENSHOTS] [CUSTOM PORTRAITS] Click on the image of the portrait you want to download it. Click on the name to see the original, non-edited portraits. 3DM JAS BUNNERZ ANIME JAS EINARI JAS FASTOSO JAS KAWAII JAS MADQUEENMOMO JAS MARFLUOS JAS MCMC JAS MIKUMON JAS - STYLE 1 MIKUMON JAS - STYLE 2 NONGDARN JAS PEACHITTO JAS PENCILSTAB JAS PRETTIER JAS RIKUO JAS SATURNSPACE JAS STARDEW TOON JAS TOONYOZA ANIME JAS UNKNOWN JAS (I drew it myself starting from an image I found on the net) USERNAMELOGIN JAS VELVERETTE JAS (Made compatible by her! Check it out, it's a really cute Jas!) PEARL AS JAS by Zalkyria (Includes sprites and edited events to show her name!) [DOWNLOAD LINKS] Nexus Mirror (Mega)
Yeah, just watched it a little bit ago, definitely think the video was great. She's one of a couple people who just.. got more or less abandoned during the event planning stage of the game. I'm glad to see this back.
love this SO much! thank you for your hard work do you have any plans to do the same for Vincent? (or anyone else who strikes your fancy)
I agree, this is really good and i'd love to see it done with other characters that don't have many events, that is of course if the creator has time and wants to
Thanks guys! Well, it all depends on whether or not my imagination decides to work. I wouldn't be against it, but each event mod would have to be separate (because they all mostly edit the same files). I guess I could make both separate ones and then just a big, complete mod with everything though (which might become incompatible with a lot of things that edit sprites/portraits, so it might not be for everyone). Ahhh, we'll see. I gotta work on giving Flo some new events first. (If I did make something for Vincent, or any of the singles though, they wouldn't be coupled with a marriage mod. Bachelor Vincent and Siv's Marriage Mod already exist, and I don't really plan on encroaching on any one else's mod)
This is something I would like to see if CC adept it to core game! Splendid work and shows why a community can push a game like SDV to the stars!
Can't wait to play with this! I always really liked Jas and wish more for her. Thank you so much for this!
While we're on the topic of pie-in-the-sky suggestions.. The one single reason I actually contemplated learning how to mod was to come up with some sort of way to give Marnie more love. I don't know what it is about her portrait that just makes me wanna hug her, but I do. I know she and the mayor are supposedly an item, but that didn't stop CA from crushing Clint's dreams. Anyways, this is just me thinking aloud, so you do what you wanna do and don't stress out over ideas too much! On the topic of the mod in question, got it installed earlier and already did the first two events. I just have to reaffirm how much I am impressed with the Jas events. I especially liked the very subtle spriting work you did for the "4 heart" one. I either forgot or simply didn't see it last time.
Thanks! Well, Siv has already expressed some interest in making at least the 8 and 10 heart events for all the added marriageables, so Marnie would definitely get a few events herself, if no one else tries to make some in the meantime. Personally, I'd like the option to set Marnie and Marlon up together - or just the ability to play matchmaker in general. If there was an "events seen" variable for schedules I would've already started working on adding rival marriages myself, like this thread on reddit suggested. Also, thank you.
@randomAnon123 my friend loved your mod, that she just made portraits to go along with this. http://community.playstarbound.com/...rait-sprite-mod-update-10-7-sebastian.115906/ And then my other friend and I made a replacement turning Jas into Pearl from Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. Would it be possible to have it compatible with your mod? Will give credit of course http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/characters-replaced-mia-and-tiffany-done.121637/
That's really cute actually, but these sprites and portraits wouldn't really work with the mod - there are additional custom poses and expressions not included there that the events use. I'm alright with that, so go ahead. Unless, uh, you're asking me if I can make it compatible myself? I'm sorry, my reading comprehension takes a sharp dive when I'm sleepy.
Just wanted to know I got an okay before I attempt to I will definitely link you when we do Also as for the first one I said, my friend already made the portraits for it she just hasn't uploaded it yet, she showed me. I'm sure she is on her way on making the sprites. She already downloaded your mod when I showed her.
This is a pretty ambitious mod i would think, i'll give it a shot later, but on paper it seems really cool. Also i wouldn't mind more mods like this for other characters, i wouldn't mind for example a "Kent Character Development". The possibilities are pretty big.
Rival Relationships is certainly a thing Harvest Moon has done with varying degrees of success, although I don't know how well or if ever it'll be capable with SV. Probably the biggest hurdle is deliberately or accidentally making your spouse leave you (or divorce), cause it could likely leave you with nobody else to court or marry. Which personally sounds like a Terrible Fate. But don't let that discourage you! ^_~ I also remember in HM64 how the second you got married EVERYONE else got married. It was weird. They all had kids at the same time, too. <_<; But really, the main issue is a mechanical one, as both you and the Reddit thread point out. As for the match-making, that actually sounds really interesting. I kept waiting for the Clint/Emily thing to pan out somehow if you got them both 10 hearts originally and was disappointed nothing ever happened with Marnie or the Mayor; another reason to want to hug her.
Oh, then I can't wait to see it! I've always had a sort of love/hate relationship with rival marriages in HM. On one hand, I sorta liked making couples out of the other characters, and seeing new events has always been a plus. On the other, god how I ended up hating both the Doctor from FoMT and Sabrina from IoH/SI. I come here everyday to give a gift to Elli/Vaughn, I'm not going to just let you waltz in and steal her/him. And in some cases, I felt bad for "stealing away" a character myself and leaving one of the npcs forever alone, which is probably why I started going after the special marriage candidates, like Leia or Skye from HMDS. I hope you'll like it. As I said before, it would be an interesting hurdle to overcome, coming up with different events for each of the characters. But I feel that with npcs like Kent, or Shane, or even George, someone who knows how PTSD or depression works would be better (I can tell you all about diabetes and the flu, but I wouldn't be all that useful with the previous two.)
We made a Pearl version of your mod! I haven't posted it yet, I just wanted to give you the heads up first