This is a known issue that is waiting on Entoarox Framework 2.0 to fix. As I understand it, an SDV update altered the content manager in a way that screwed up EF and ALL when loading custom maps dependant on them
Thank you for clarifying, I've been away so long I don't even know what's going on with my mods anymore.
My SMAPI says: [SMAPI] Skipped 1 mods: [SMAPI] AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedGreenhouse because its manifest doesn't set an entry DLL. Any known solutions?
Disregard that message, the greenhouse should still be working if extracted correctly. I've got countless reports of this bug on my other mods. BUT users previously mentioned in this thread about their upgrades/crops disappearing so you may want to skip this mod for now. I mean, your crops and upgrades should be there in the future, just inaccessible until everything this relies on has been updated
Oh, that makes sense. However his statement does not. No one needs ideas from rude users with absolutely no class. If you haven't noticed, any mods that were a team effort others, are always credited as well. Also, I've been on indefinite hiatus for the last... Half a year?.. I'm really not fishing for any ideas here. As for your 'answer always being no', no one asked you any questions.. You seem awfully familiar..... Do you happen to offer downloads without popups or harmful? Regardless, we await your stellar contribution. And lastly, bye again!
You might want to put a note on the first page and Nexusmods to NOT use this until Entoarox Framework 2.0 is fixed. I set up my greenhouse for winter so I could produce wine and ale, and now I cannot access the greenhouse. I attempted to uninstall the mod and use another greenhouse mod so I had enough space, not possible unless I load an old save.
Well, I figured it was a temporary problem so I'd leave it go. But it has become a neverending problem so I'll put together a fix today. I haven't even loaded the game since last year and many updates ago so it was hard to decipher. I think I have a general idea and a little time to spare. EDIT: Oh crap, I completely forgot. Today after work I will get to it. I didn't have the files on my laptop then got sidetracked by YouTube videos.
I hope there is something you can do, I don't want to have to roll back to an old save, so I am cheating to simulate the produce from the greenhouse. Thank you for your fixes and the greenhouse in general.
Here is the "Cheaty" temporary fix, please tell me if any problems remain. I haven't had a chance to test it. And thank you, @Amii for that final nagging push.
I'll put the update through the wringer tomorrow (at my volunteer shift right now). Will advise of any issues EDIT: Items are not persisting with this update. Placed a flute block in the greenhouse, saved, exited, relaunched, loaded save, flute block was gone. Tried again with a radish seed. Same procedure, same result. also, this:
Crap. I haven't even had a chance to test it with whatever was wrong before so I'm a bit in the dark about what the initial problem was other than from previous comments. I had a lot of mods so updating everything first was my issue. Now I am so far behind I have no urge to do so other than to fix things I've created in the past. Okay- I'm going to make an .xnb overwrite version to hopefully sort things out. Thanks for testing, I muchly appreciate it. EDIT: XNB Edition uploaded. Please follow the steps in the latest "Update" portion of the first post. Download here.
XNB edition test: Items persist! Yay! However, exit/entry points need adjusting. Attempting to take the right wall exit to another room traps the player in an infinite loop. Screenshots below. The player appears in the rooms at the cursor location. Attempting to walk further into the room from the entry point triggers the warp back to the previous room. [EDIT] Edited images for clarity
Testing's what I do. On a side note, I don't suppose we could get an XNB edition of the Extended Cellar, too? Please? Since that's exhibiting the same issues (items disappearing when loading savefile) Sorry to be a bother.
Unfortunately for the Secret Garden area of the Extended Cellar to function it relies on ALL to function. It actually started out as an XNB mod as a single map. All allowed for separate map files to be combined so everything was re-written from scratch. Version 0.20 on Nexus was the last XNB edition. [EDIT] JAC'd Greenhouse 1.6 [XNB Edition] added. And hopefully correct in all the right ways.
It is indeed. Gonna need to re-jig my crop layout (will need to swap in my old greenhouse to get to some trees that are off the map, but that's my own fault. Chop 'em down and relocate 'em). I grabbed the 0.2 cellar. Main room works fine with just the XNB, the doors don't go anywhere, but that's not unexpected. I only wanted the extra cask space anyways (Didn't put any of the ALL bits into the mod folder, just used the xnb)