I have this problem too, and saving, exiting, and reloading doesn't fix it. I've tried deleting it from the locations folder and redownloading it and putting back in, still fully expanded. EDIT: I deleted my old save file that had it unlocked and now it works. I'm ok with that, I wasn't playing that file anyway.
Click on the lamp, appear "before what you thought you saw, there does not seem to be any here" after no response
I saw this hint, [1732 ERROR Advanced Location Loader] Conditional has already been completed: Extension [1734 ERROR Advanced Location Loader] Conditional has already been completed: Extension [1741 ERROR Advanced Location Loader] Conditional has already been completed: Extension but did not expand
Not exactly sure. I've been on indefinite hiatus on all of my mods for about a month. It may be a framework or ALL issue (not saying it is; just possible). Sometimes things change between versions and I need to update my additions to corrospond with those changes. However, I haven't updated my copy of the base game since 1.11.
I not sure why my greenhouse farm disappear. I am currently using advancedLocationLoader v1.2.10 and greenhouse v1.6 This is what i found in the debug when my greenhouse farm disappear [11:036 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Loading location mods into memory... [11:037 INFO Advanced Location Loader] JAC'd Greenhouse, version `1.6` by Androxilogin [11:037 INFO Advanced Location Loader] Found and loaded [1] location mods into memory [11:04:09 INFO Entoarox Framework] Checking for updates... [11:04:09 ERROR Advanced Location Loader] Unable to patch required property, tile does not exist: Property(Greenhouse@[1,8]:Buildings => `Action` = ALLCondition Extension) [11:04:09 ERROR Advanced Location Loader] Unable to patch required property, tile does not exist: Property(Greenhouse@[63,27]:Buildings => `Action` = ALLCondition Shortcut)
If the contents of your greenhouse are disappearing when loading a save file, I suspect it is the same problem I've been having with the extended cellar. Changes in the recent SDV update are most likely to blame, so nothing for it but to wait for the mods to be updated.
Can confirm that items placed/planted within the Extended greenhouse are disappearing when loading the save file. I'm also experiencing some odd controller behaviour when interacting with the junimo hut seed shop: pressing interact on the controller (standard wired xbox 360 controller for windows) does nothing. However, the junimo seed shop appears if i move the mouse after attempting to use the controller to access the shop (so, press A at junimo hut shop, nothing happens. move mouse after pressing A, shop appears), even if i have moved halfway across the greenhouse since attempting to access the shop. Will test with SMAPI 1.13 tomorrow. Is late, am tired.
Interesting. Everything else I can interact with in the greenhouse works with a controller (sidenote: some of the decorative items that usually pop up a description when examined are pulling broken strings. I'll grab a screenshot tonight, gotta spend today cleaning my apartment for a rent inspection); it's just the joja machine and the junimo huts that don't work. EDIT: Cleaning done, testing done, here's the results. Just like the extended cellar, items placed in the greenhouse aren't persisting between play sessions. Items planted, day advanced, game exited. Relaunched game, load savefile, visit greenhouse. And the issue with interactive decorative items, which is NOT limited to this mod (has also been observed in extended cellar, and in OmniFarm when examining grandpa's shrine) Logs for the disappearing seeds are in >THIS< dropbox folder (also includes recurring, but not damaging, error from extended minecarts which should be familiar to Ento by now )
This is a known issue, and I have a potential fix, but havent been able to corner someone to test the fix yet.
If you need someone to test a mod with the fix applied to it, throw it at me. If you mean you need someone to actually apply the fix to their mod, forget I said anything
After walking in the greenhouse there is a barrel in the upper-left with a small lamp on it. Click there
Hello, I've been trying to install this for the past hour and of course the file should be like this Stardew Valley > Mods> AdvancedLocationLoader > locations > ExtendedGreenhouse however whenever I go in my greenhouse I can't seem to see the barrel?