It could be a lot of things from the sound of things. Do post a log, as @Entoarox said. It could be a version issue of something, missing files, possibly alternate warps from another mod somewhere. Have you tried redownloading this mod and overwriting? I may have added a new version since you downloaded or something. It's very hard to tell what you mean, your config, etc. based on your post, sorry.
Alright, so I just loaded up the game and walked into the greenhouse. Still has a black screen. Here's my log. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 1.7 with Stardew Valley 1.11 on Microsoft Windows N T 6.2.9200.0 [11:54:48 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\comm on\Stardew Valley\Mods [11:54:48 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading SMAPI... [11:54:48 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading game... [11:54:48 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods... [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Entoarox Framework by Entoarox, v1.6.2 | A fr amework to make stardew modding easier! [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Advanced Location Loader by Entoarox, v1.2.7 | Get your content into stardew without replacing any xnb files. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: AllProfessions Mod by cantorsdust, v1.1 | Whe n reaching levels 5 and 10 for skills, adds all professions to the player, inste ad of just the one chosen. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: ChestsAnywhere by Pathoschild, v1.8.1 | Acces s your chests from anywhere. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok, v1.13 | Simple in- game cheats menu! [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: CJB Item Spawner by CJ Bok, v1.6 | Simple in- game Item Spawner! [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Daily Notifications by dreamsicl, v1.1 | Noti fies you of any events today. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Experience Bars by spacechase0, v1.0.1 | Show s experience bars in the top-left corner. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: GiftTasteHelper by Tyler, v1.1 | Displays NPC gift tastes in a handy tooltip. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: InstantGeode by Basicallymeatthispoint, v1.12 | Instant Geodes [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: NPC Map Locations Mod by Bouhm, v1.2 | Shows NPC locations on the map [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Seasonal Immersion by Entoarox, v1.6.1 | Imme rse yourself in a more seasonal world! [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Shop Expander by Entoarox, v1.5.1 | Adds bulk options for wood & stone to the carpenter. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Configurable Improved Sprinklers Mod by MaurĂ cio Gomes (Speeder), v2.2 | Make the Sprinklers work better. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Super Greenhouse Warp Modifier v1.0.0 by TheR aven81, v1.0 | Modifies the warp location when you enter the Greenhouse using th e Super Greenhouse map. [11:54:48 INFO SMAPI] Loaded mod: Trainer Mod by Zoryn, v1.0 | Registers severa l commands to use. Most commands are trainer-like in that they offer forms of ch eating. [11:54:48 INFO Entoarox Framework] Framework has finished! AllProfessions Has Loaded InstantGeode has loaded! [11:54:49 DEBUG SMAPI] Loaded 16 mods. [11:54:49 DEBUG SMAPI] Starting game... [11:54:49 DEBUG SMAPI] Starting console... [11:54:49 INFO SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usa ge [11:54:49 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Loading location mods into memory... [11:54:49 INFO Advanced Location Loader] JAC'd Greenhouse, version `1.6` by And roxilogin [11:54:49 INFO Advanced Location Loader] Found and loaded [1] location mods int o memory [11:54:49 INFO Seasonal Immersion] Loading Seasonal Immersion ContentPack... [11:54:49 INFO Seasonal Immersion] Using the `Elle's Seasonal Buildings` conten t pack, version 1.0.0 by junimods [11:54:50 INFO SMAPI] Configurable Improved Sprinklers Mod used Extensions.AsIn t32, which is deprecated since SMAPI 1.0. This will break in a future version of SMAPI. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 413150 Steam_SetMinidumpSteamI Caching Steam I 76561197983103679 [API loaded no] [11:55:22 INFO Entoarox Framework] Checking for updates... [11:55:23 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Patches have been applied [11:55:23 INFO Entoarox Framework] Update checks have been completed. [11:55:25 DEBUG Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures... [11:55:25 INFO Daily Notifications] Today is 4th of Spring, Year 3. [11:55:25 INFO Daily Notifications] It's Kent's birthday! [11:55:25 DEBUG Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures... [11:550 DEBUG Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures... [11:557 DEBUG Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures... I did download the newest one before I installed it since I deleted the past ones.
Get rid of "Super Greenhouse Warp Modifier", EntoFramework has a build-in warp modifier for the greenhouse that should work for 99% of the greenhouse editing mods out there.
So i have been using this mod for a little while and for some reason now I keep having my game lock up when I walk onto the added areas to the greenhouse. It would be appreciated if I could get some help. I'm not super good at modding by any means so it was probably me just being a idiot but I added my log file and what happens in console when I walk on the spot with plants being grown.
download the very latest version of the mod, ALL has updated to fix a ton of bugs, and this has exposed some other bugs that remained hidden before and Andro had to update his mod to fix.
I knew I was forgetting something. Apologies, today was mass update day and I planned on coming back to read your log. As Entoarox mentioned, this latest version should clear up those nasty cock-a-roaches. Please refer to the first post of this thread for the latest updates.
Tried the latest version that andro just posted and I am still getting the same error from what I can tell.. I can post the log and screenshot if need be. Just wanted to see if it would work before going to bed.
Is the upgrade error you're talking about actually occurring while upgrading the cellar? Because that's what I'm getting from the log which should have actually worked itself out with the latest updates of ALL, Ent. Framework and the mod itself.. I'm attempting to replicate it.
It looks like an error with one of the upgrade barrels in the cellar from what I gather from the log. I previously removed it because it caused problems but noticed I wasn't getting errors anymore after the 2nd to last ALL update so I included it once more. Can you try removing the Extended Cellar folder temporarily and trying without it?
While playing with this mod, I noticed that the shop is not compatible with the Mod StackSplitX ( Do you think it would be possible to make the Mods work together? Even if it won't come, I love this mod....and I still can use the shop normally. Just wanted to mention it.
Still getting this error for some reason, even without jac'd cellar loaded. I have attached screenshots and the error log.
I've just gotten back to this but I'll look it over as soon as I get home. I've had strange lockups around town with a test save but not with any upgrades in place. That would be more of a framework or smapi .dll override sort of thing- still a bit beyond my reaches. Typing manifests is a bit easier but has its limitations.
Hi All Im getting exactly the same error as monkeyman3416. I dont have jac'd cellar mod installed. This error only occurs when plant starts to grow. I planted some strawberrys and a aicient fruit, on the next day i can still walk there where ancient fruit seeds are but game freezes when i try to walk where strawberries started to grow. Love your coop and barn mods. Sorry for bad english. Edit: Did some testing and it appears that we both (monkeyman3416 and i) have Shenandoah Acres map mod instaled. Few peoples have the same problem with this map according to posts on nexus: Someone even posted a pastebin link of his log and its exactliy the same error as we have: So i try a old abandoned save with regular forrest farm map and play 6 days game time. No errors, no freezes, greenhouse works perfectly.
hm, well i really don't want to get rid of shenadoah acres =/. I wonder if its only caused in winter time.. cause i had it working in summer for like 15 days or so and when I got to winter through this play through is when it started doing it.