Items lost due to me being dumb, can anyone help?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chewieb, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. Chewieb

    Chewieb Space Hobo

    Hey, here's what hapenned:

    So I was at the Comunity Center to get my last fish on the aquarium, but when I put the damn Sandfish there, the "Bundle Complete" animation happened, but I accidentally pressed E again and wasn't able to get my reward:catrage:, wich would be 5 Dish o' The Sea, wich I was really excited for, because I already had plans to get some legendary fish.

    Now, is there any way to get my well deserved reward after the aquarium is complete?

    Much love, Chewieb :catwink:.
    • One More Day

      One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

      They're gone, never to be seen again.

      Once you complete the last bundle of a room, you cannot gain access to any unclaimed rewards

      You'll have to do it the hard way now, growing some spuds and catching some sardines. Or if it's summer already then slap down some tomato and get some crab pots going so you can make Fish Stew, which is comes from Willy at 7<3, and is also +3 Fishing
      • Chewieb

        Chewieb Space Hobo

        Ok then, thank you.[​IMG]
          claudiareese likes this.
        • 》Lasercats《

          》Lasercats《 Intergalactic Tourist

          I feel you man, i blew up 100,000 in gold of irdium sprinklers in a freak accident:catcry:
            claudiareese likes this.

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