Well thats just a bunch of crap cause I know that the item exists. I made all the ores in the game craftable, all except cerulium and rubium cause the game cant seem to find them. So I put the two ores item and png files into my mod to see if that would solve the problem. Nope, the game came back with "found duplicate items" So on one hand it can't find them and on the other it says I have duplicates. Kinda stuck here, everything is the same in the code for all the ores except the names and they are all spelled right. I don't know, maybe i'm missing something simple. thanks for your input on the matter.
Ideally you should let the game crash - then post the log here. It helps out everyone in the end. Especially posting the Log + your files in question If it doesn't crash - try and do what you want to do For example if you want to craft an item - open the crafting menu it should be in. Then quit and copy log. In other words you should try to "initialize the object" - so the error gets loaded into the log. Then we can take a gander
Error: Could not instantiate item '[ceruliumore, 500, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'ceruliumore' ... (3) 005DACED (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarRecipeDatabase.cpp3) ... (2) 00504DB6 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarRoot.cpp:201) 00404B3C (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp24) 009A64FC (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:74) 773B336A kernel32.dll 77B59F72 ntdll.dll 77B59F45 ntdll.dll
There is the issue right there. There is no such item called celliumore Make sure you check the "name" of the file of celleriumore and the spelling
The only two Ores and Bars that need capitol letters, Cerulium and Rubium. Weird that they are capitalized and all the others aren't. Thanks very very much. what a great modding community.