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RELEASED Item Broadcaster + Hyper-storage v1.5 (p1.2)

A lightweight system for auto-sorting + Hyperspace multi-containers. Works with any containers!

  1. kurobara

    kurobara Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really Great mod!

    I'm having trouble though! you see, I have a big farm, and so i want to be able to keep the seeds in a chest next to my crop, but also be able to deposit the fruit in the same chest and have it sent to a food chest i have set up. unfortunately it seems the broadcasting only works one way? for a while i thought it was sorting it from the reciever chests but it stopped i suppose? I also tried making the food chest both a broadcast and reciver chest but it didn't do anything! any advice?
  2. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Broadcasting only works one way, and a broadcasting chest will never be a receiving chest, because entity timing quirks mean I can't prevent possible looping behaviors any other way. If you have no other chests nearby with seeds in, then the broadcasting chest will store them just fine; no way to sort seeds into them though. Might just plop a second chest down and split the usage.
  3. kenanthebarbarian

    kenanthebarbarian Phantasmal Quasar

    Have we figured out whether this still works for Pleased Giraffe? I see you've updated your other mods.
  4. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Might need a few fixes, might work fine. Let me see.
  5. kenanthebarbarian

    kenanthebarbarian Phantasmal Quasar

    I did notice both the beacons show up in the 3D printer.
  6. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Apparently just put there by default, if they're added to the player's blueprints without a non-printing flag. Can't remove them after the fact either... I'll just bump up the object value so the printing cost matches the teleshop cost.
  7. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

  8. Axlor8

    Axlor8 Big Damn Hero

    Does this mod work well with Enhanced storage mod ?
  9. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Wellbott updated Item Broadcaster + Hyper-storage with a new update entry:

    Secondary Sorting Algorithms

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    1nfinitezer0 likes this.
  10. Zetlin97

    Zetlin97 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This works with modded containers, right? Only tested it on vanilla before now, btw works great.
  11. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Yes, and even if they have scripts attached to them (though script interactions aren't always predictable).
  12. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    This mod just went from amazing to MINDBLOWINGLY AMAZING.
  13. Zetlin97

    Zetlin97 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  14. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    They're no longer available in the 3d printer for me. Are they craftable somewhere else? Sorting is niiiice though.
  15. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    You can craft them at the wiring station, or buy them from the Teleporter shop in the outpost. Is the sorting working intuitively well? I'ts a finicky thing to attempt, and I doubt I got it right the first go!
  16. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Yes, it does. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1444076231][/DOUBLEPOST]Are you sure that a sorting depending on the tags is the best way?
    I mean.. In my case when I put in an Avian object (e.g. Bunny Altar) it will sort it into a chest with clothes instead of furniture or something like that.

    It wouldn't be better to sort the items depending on the category or race?
    Furthermore not all objects have suitable tags.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  17. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    I'd thought they were more wide-spread, but after browsing the files, maybe not so much. I'll have to expand the sorting.
  18. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    I noticed a glitch that may or may not be reproducible. It made all the items disappear so I wasn't wanting to do it while working on other stuff. The source chest under the broadcasting beacon was completely full, and then I turned on the advanced sorting. Then everything in it went POOF. I was hoping it was in the target containers, but it was just gone.

    This may be relevant code from the log, just grabbed anything with the mod title in it.
    [18:46:24.825] Error: Exception while invoking lua function 'update'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/objects/generic/itembroadcaster/broadcastbea..."]:235: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
    0   starbound                           0x0000000108fc504d _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE + 141
    1   starbound                           0x0000000108f6ba90 _ZN4Star9LuaEngine11handleErrorEP9lua_Statei + 976
    2   starbound                           0x000000010858e2a2 _ZN4Star9LuaEngine12callFunctionIJfEEENS_3AnyIJNS2_IJbxdNS_6StringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEENS_11LuaVariadicIS8_EEEEEiDpRKT_ + 162
    3   starbound                           0x000000010858e02b _ZN4Star16LuaBaseComponent6invokeINS_3AnyIJbxdNS_6StringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEEJfEEENS_5MaybeIT_EERKS3_DpOT0_ + 971
    4   starbound                           0x00000001088db8c0 _ZN4Star6Object10tickMasterEv + 416
    5   starbound                           0x0000000108ce673c _ZN4Star11WorldServer6updateEv + 1196
    6   starbound                           0x0000000108d17778 _ZN4Star17WorldServerThread6updateEv + 616
    7   starbound                           0x0000000108d1725b _ZN4Star17WorldServerThread3runEv + 763
    8   starbound                           0x0000000108fce980 _ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv + 240
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8da6a772 _pthread_start + 327
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8da571a1 thread_start + 13
  19. M4ck

    M4ck Void-Bound Voyager

    Something a bit similar works for me, especially in a large setup with multiple output chests which should point to a single "sorting" chest far away in a storage complex, by making all input and the sorting chests as the same hyperspace storage, then marking the sorting chest as a broadcasting chest. Maybe this will help you a bit. This way the sorting chest collects items from other chests next to farms, crafting etc. and is still able to broadcast them to other chests elsewhere. It even seems to work fine for sorting items to different storage zones, which would be far too far apart for a regular broadcasting beacon to reach.
  20. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

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