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RELEASED Item Broadcaster + Hyper-storage v1.5 (p1.2)

A lightweight system for auto-sorting + Hyperspace multi-containers. Works with any containers!

  1. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Ah, the visible result of many issues. There should be an error in \Starbound\starbound.log, that'll tell us precisely what's happening?
  2. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    is that it?:
  3. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    lol I tried to comment out a line and left the first letter. It didn't like that. Alright, fixed, now I can push out this little update.
  4. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Wellbott updated Item Broadcaster + Hyper-storage with a new update entry:

    Fixed some bugs

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Keep pointing out any errors that occur! This is deceptively complex mod, script-wise, and there's often too many edge cases for one modder to catch alone :/
  5. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    i've got still the same thing. That's kinda weird :x
    EDIT: i see that you didn't uploaded files yet.
  6. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

  7. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

  8. DaWrecka

    DaWrecka Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is there a reliable way to get things working again after a quit-and-reboot? The first time I laid down all the parts the network worked fine - broadcast chest's contents would be removed and portioned out to the chests within the range of reception beacons - but after I quit and returned to the same world with a different character, it broke. The beacons remained, as did the broadcast chest, but stuff I put in the broadcast chest remained where it was, even though there were chests with spare capacity that should've received them. I can't seem to get it to work right any more without removing all the beacons and replacing them every time. There's nothing in the log that seems relevant.

    EDIT: Correction, even breaking and replacing the beacons doesn't fix the network.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  9. AndrewSeven

    AndrewSeven Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice mod.
    Can I safely change the range from 100 to about 150?
    Does a broadcast affect multiple chests in its range or just one? (If one, the nearest?)

  10. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    The range can go as high a you'd like, though if it wraps around the world you might see the chest priority get a bit messed up (it finds the receptor beacons twice). Also wired beacons communicate over any distance, though dragging a wire across half a planet seems tedious (and you can't relay the signal).

    The broadcast beacon reaches out to all reception beacons in range (closest first), which in turn reach out to each non-broadcast chest in their individual ranges (also closest first).
  11. AndrewSeven

    AndrewSeven Void-Bound Voyager

    I just need it to go a bit further :D


    The issue I seem to be having is how to place the broadcast beacon so that it effect the container; sometimes I have to place them in odd spots to target the container I want. My containers are fairly close and in a vertical line. They are also containers from a mod :)
    Spatial_Pioneer likes this.
  12. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    That gives me an idea... why don't I make the direction the broadcast beacon uses a switchable option? Right now, interacting with the beacon just shows its range again, but it could also rotate the chest acquisition direction. Just have to do a bit of respriting, add a few lines to the code. Then you can put the beacons on the side.
  13. Licflagg

    Licflagg Phantasmal Quasar

    did you place them over a chest? if so, then i think that they are supposed to be hidden to not be so ugly
  14. Michelle911

    Michelle911 Orbital Explorer

    I'm really liking this mod :) I have a huge home base with lots of items to sort and it makes life a lot easier :)

    just a typo here I think: the Hyper-storage Beacon says Connects multiple containers to the same Hammerspace location.
  15. Michelle911

    Michelle911 Orbital Explorer

    you might not have any control of this Wellbott, but I was planting some fruit trees next to my container with a Broadcast Beacon assigned to it..... and when the trees grew the leaves grew into the beacon, rendering it useless... I just cut down the trees and re-wired things, seems all ok again.

    edit: not sure it was the trees now, thinking it's more than likely just logging in and out or rebooting the game.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  16. Michelle911

    Michelle911 Orbital Explorer

    I'm having this exact same issue too :(
  17. Spatial_Pioneer

    Spatial_Pioneer Void-Bound Voyager

    I thought I had this set up correctly, but then I made one adjustment and all the stuff I was using to test it disappeared! I checked all the lockers on my ship (where I'm set up at) and they aren't there. Help?
  18. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    The devs changed how the storage function worked in the last patch. I hadn't thought it would be an issue, and couldn't get the problem myself, but it looks like some rewrite is needed.
  19. Spatial_Pioneer

    Spatial_Pioneer Void-Bound Voyager

    That'd be appreciated. I got it set up but it's a bit complex. Still wonderfully brilliant
  20. Wellbott

    Wellbott Existential Complex

    Well, at least I can make some improvements when trying to suss out the bug. I believe they added a Lua hook for changing container contents, in which case I can get around the complex and fragile implementation in place now. It might be a while though, that's most of the guts I'll be tearing out of this thing.

    I'll try my best to make it work with already placed beacons and storage, though.

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