Moving further inside the city, the buildings got taller, the debris got larger, and the heat got greater. It was clear that several tall buildings had fallen over, but some still remained in tact. The asphalt road here was full of holes at best. Worse still, she began to hear shuffling noises. This floor contained a similar scene to the last one, though at least this one had windows.
Altair halted, listening to the shuffling as she quickly shifted into her wolf form, sniffing the air as she looked around.
Once again, he came across a large room full of old cubicles, and the looting began. Some more food bars were found, as well as 2 sonic grenades and an ornate dagger. For the time being, the shuffling was quite distant. But if you paid attention enough you could just make out the sounds of moaning as well. Telltale signs of zombies. She would likely encounter them if she continued deeper into the city. In her worm form it would be a lot more difficult to traverse the bumpy and full of holes asphalt road. The air smelled like dust with a hint of sulfur.
Quickly shifting back, Altair looked around for any vantage point where she could get a better view of her surroundings currious to see where the smell of sulfer was coming from.
There were several tall buildings still in tact around her, if she could get to a rooftop, it would be the perfect vantage point. The next floor yielded a bag of coffee grounds, some pencils, a sharp letter opener, and some paper clips.
She headed towards one of the buildings the least close to the shuffling and looked for a way inside.
Most of the floors were the same, however, the top floor had the executive offices. They probably looked nice at some point, but now, just as with everything else, they were a mess. Kilik continued looting anyway. He found some handgun ammo, some canned meat, more office stationary, and a cane. Surprisingly, the front door was open.
Walking inside, she finds an odd-looking front room. There was a desk, or what remained of one. There was also evidence that some kind of large sign had hung on the back wall. There was old paper and garbage all over the place. From the front area, hallways stretched to the left and the right.
@The Purple Dragon @endlessneverland Killik was happy with the loot he found and decided to move on to somewhere new. He wandered back down the stairs and into the lobby. To his surprise, someone was standing there, looking around. From what he could tell, it was a girl, but she wore dark clothing and had dark hair and pale skin. As he was observing her, she noticed him. Altair was looking around the lobby, trying to decide where to go. Left or right? It was one of the oldest questions in the universe. Maybe she should flip a coin? She didn't have any coins though. She looked to the left, trying to decide, then she looked back to the right. Rather suddenly, someone stood there. They looked strange, They appeared to be male, however they had a very noticeable third eye. They had a very broad build, at least it appeared so, and they're skin was greenish-gray, not that dissimilar from her own.
Raising her knife, Altair glared at the figure as she took a step back. "I could say the same to you." She said, watching them carefully.