Altair grabbed the medkit and put it in her bag before moving towards the back room, her hand on her knife as she walked.
He arrives at the sliding door of the elevator, the button panel was right next to it. The buttons, however, had long since lost their labels. As she wandered towards the back, rather suddenly, a zombie lunged at her from behind a corner that hadn't been accounted for.
As quickly as she could, Altair spun out of the way of the zombie, bringing her knife down towards the back of its neck as she did so.
She managed to move out of it's way without taking any damage. The knife found itself stuck in the back of the zombie's neck. Regardless it continued to struggle toward her for a few feeble moments before the unlife left it's body and it fell to the ground like a pile of dead rodents. Nevertheless this encounter emphasized the fact that she had better keep her wits about her.
Keeping her knife ready in her hand, she slowly made her way towards the door again, listening for any signs of movement as she pressed her ear to the door, keeping her eyes on the rest of her surroundings.
As she listened through the door, she heard a low growl. It was hard to tell if it was a creature or some kind of machinery. Whatever it was, it was deep and distant. She was probably safe from anything immediately behind the door.
Altair slowly pushed the door open, moving her knife in front of her as she peered into the room, alert and ready to book it if need be.
The room was pretty small. There was no sign of any distant, deep machinery. Well except for the sound of it. This room was simply a small supply room in the back of a barber shop. Though like most things, it lay in ruin. There were bottles knocked over on the shelves and the floor, most of which were empty now. The floor was also covered in some weird powder, probably old dried shampoo. There may be a thing or two of use hiding among all the junk in this room.
Still on edge from her scare, Altair kept her knife ready as she searched through the ruble hoping to find at least something useful though she doubted it.
Wading through dried up old beauty supplies, and the occasional cleaning product, the only thing she found was a little mouse living in the corner of the room. It wasn't all the surprising, the room looked as though it had been raided long ago. The buttons did nothing of course, there was no power after all. The stairs on the other hand, curved upwards. Spiraling up the building, unbroken. Strange for this city.
Altair sighed lowly and made her way out of the barber shop, her knife still and the ready as she went over and observed the manhole cover, looking for a way that she could possibly remove it.
It would likely require some kind of crowbar or creative contraption with an engine and string to remove it. The manhole cover was pretty heavy. The stuff around her was basically all debris and broken things. It wouldn't take him long to find a door, there was a door on each floor, so upon reaching floor two, he found a door.
Altair decidedly walked further into the city, her knife at the ready. Maybe she would find a crowbar of some kind, or possibly something more interesting. Only time and searching would tell.
The second floor was dark, mostly because there was no more power to the building to the lights were off. From what he could see however, there was a wall with a few looted vending machines in front of him. There was a corner on either side that went somewhere. She passed through more of the labyrinth that was the city, all the while the temperature grew warmer. Eventually she reached a place where the businesses clearly transitioned from general supplies to big business. This would be her last chance going this direction to look in the smaller stores. Looking around, she saw a small toy store, an electronics center, a gym, and a pastry shop. Realistically, most of them had probably been looted. But there might be something somewhere.
Standing in the right corner, he could see that it would not have mattered which corner he picked. Both led to a large open room filled with cubicles. Well, it used to be. Now, many of the cubicle walls were knocked over, though several cubicles were still in tact. There wasn't much in the way of light either. A place like this could easily hide dangers.