The man looks with curiosity at the pile of electronic bits in Killik's hand. After a few moments he spots something. He rapidly grans it and plays around with his electronic device some more. He seems to get it working. He starts talking, but his voice seems to change rapidly between languages as he turns a dial. It eventually ends up something like. "-English perhaps? Do you understand English?"
Altair sighed as she looked around her run-down shelter once more, slinging her bag of supplies over her shoulder. I suppose it's time to move on. She thought to herself, moving towards the door. Supplies are getting low and this place is falling apart... She sighed again, checking the shelter once more to see if she had forgotten anything before heading out into the world, no clear destination in mind.
Her old shelter was like an empty cupboard. There was nothing left inside of it. If she wanted more supplies she'd have to head out. "Anywhere that isn't a city. Damn places are crawling with demons. I've got what I need, so there's no problem."
Altair stretched briefly before slowly pushing open the door of her shelter and heading out into the world and looking around. Now, which direction to go... there's nothing left for me here after all... She thought as she pulled her bandana over her mouth and nose, and pulling her hood over to shade her eyes from the sun.
She could see from where she stood, a very clear choice on where to go. Her safe house lay on the outskirts of a now ruined city. It wasn't far and she could get there easily. In the other direction was a plain, it was impossible to see any particular features except for the occasional large rock, who knows what would be on the other side of it. The city was likely more dangerous as she would have less visibility, however there could be more loot. The plain would be less dangerous, however it could be a while before she found anything. "People." He sniffed "That depends on how you define 'People'"
Altair looked between her two options. She observed the city first, as she definitely could do with more loot, deciding that though she would have less visibility, that would also go for anyone else that could be here along with the fact she could use her agility to her advantage. Altair quickly retrieved her knife fro, her pack before heading into the city, eyes darting around as she walked.
The city was a crumbling testament to man's ingenuity. Surprisingly, several older buildings still stood while several newer ones had fallen. The streets were a maze, she guessed this had already been the case before the apocalypse, but now even more so as paths were blocked with large chunks of debris that could not be moved by hand. Some of the buildings around her had had their windows and doors boarded up, but it didn't look like it did them much good, they were still empty. From what she could see around her, there was a barber shop that looked like it might have supplies. There was also a manhole cover, no one knew what lay in the sewers. Of course there was also a corner to go around that went further into the city. "Of course. I should've expected... never mind. You'll wanna go down. There's a settlement below us, but good luck getting in."
Altair adjusted her bag and took note of the manhole cover before she headed into the barber shop, she needed suplies before she chose to go exploring. She pushed open the door and looked around, serching for anything lootable.
As one would expect in an apocalypse, the place was in shambles. Shelves had fallen off the walls, the chairs were full of scratches and tears in the upholstery, and some had even fallen over. Most of the little walls that separated the little booths had been destroyed for one reason or another. The checkered tile floor was covered in dust, ash, and debris. It was a sad site. Certainly not a place someone could get their hair done anymore. From where she stood she could see the front desk, but not what was behind it. There were also several cupboards in the room that were still in tact and closed. Of course there was the door to the back as well. "hmm, the same to you." With that the man departed. The building he was in now appeared to be some kind of newspaper place. He could see the front desk where people could come in and report stuff to the reporters. There had clearly been some big sign hanging on the wall behind the front desk, but it had since fallen off. There were two hallways that led off in the left and right directions. Oh and of course that was the massive scattering of old, rotting newspapers littering the ground.
Most of the cupboards contained small bottles of dried up shampoo and other beauty supplies. However, for some reason one contained a med-kit which included gauze, some scissors, a few bandages, and some of that rubbing alcohol for cleaning wounds. Going down the hallway to the left he could see that it was not quite as long as he'd expected. There was maybe one office there and then the door at the end. He opened the door to find himself on the news floor. There were the remnants of an army of cubicles, people would've sat here and wrote articles or researched things that people called "news." Now it was a scattered mess, there were some dead bodies here and there, and some burn marks. several of the large window panes that marked the outside edge of the room had been shattered. Of course there was an elevator and stairs combo down at the other end of the room as well.