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Issue with using light source pack and EPP

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shanianowhere, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Starbound is far from perfect, and yes it's a little sad.

    A lot of questions about why something is so bad in Starbound are getting answered with "Hey there's a mod for that".

    Mods are cheating, too. Anything that isn't the base, vanilla game is cheating, and yet Starbound is a very barebones, short experience without any of it.

    The fact remains it is the only other option you have. There is no "trick" to finding Oblivious Collars. There's no method you can use to increase the likelihood you'll find one. You either 'cheat' it in or you grind. It's up to you.

    Morals are entirely irrelevant.
  2. Nashael

    Nashael Space Hobo

    This is how mine Halogen Pack glowing...
    Bez tytułu.jpg
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    It is in the cosmetic slot. All effects are disabled when it is in the cosmetic slot.
    Nashael likes this.
  4. Nashael

    Nashael Space Hobo

    ahh thank you ;F
  5. Dactylos

    Dactylos Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah... I've started using /admin for some QoL stuff. Mostly to get back my augments when I switch them up. The fact that you can't just unslot and reslot them is stupid. Though I do have the resources to just craft a whole new EPP. Which, thinking about it right now... I should. Maybe one with regen or energy 3 and one with light 3.

    I also use a couple mods. One, called Memento Mori, guides you to where you last died. Because have you ever died via fall damage from a failed grapple after spending a hour spelunking in mazelike caves? I have. IT SUUUUUCKS.

    I also use the mech mod, and the ZZ upgrade of it. Because I was promised stompy robots in Starbound. And I'll have them, damnit. On the day they reintroduce mechs, I'll uninstall the mod.

    Anyway, back to the matter at hand... they really should let you combine the cooling EPP with the light backpack. I've gotten by so far by buying hundreds of yellow stims from vendors, but... yeah. Also, speaking of that. The heck is up with that? You need so many materials to make stimpacks... and you can't farm them.

    Why can't you just, like, put flowers in a pot and harvest them. Like... I don't know... Terraria.
  6. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    FrackinUniverse does exactly that, though you gotta get the seeds first (you do gene research usually unless you get lucky and find them in the wild).

    Lots and lots and lots of buff "foods" (herbs?).
  7. Dactylos

    Dactylos Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Huh... looking over the Fracking Universe mod now. Mmm... I'll go backup my saves and delete my old universe/characters and try it out. Looks like a lot of fun.
  8. SoopaDerpcat

    SoopaDerpcat Pangalactic Porcupine

    Isn't that...kind of the point though? Airless worlds are supposed to be more dangerous and inhospitable, but in the legacy game the only REAL difference was that you had to essentially "unlock" them through questing and tech usage. Once you actually had the proper atmospheric protection tech equipped, there was no real difference between an "inhospitable" hot/frozen/airless world and a perfectly livable one. Even now the only difference is "you have to wear an ugly backpack," but hey, the fact that you can't just use your lantern stick wherever you want at least makes inhospitable planets a BIT more dangerous.

    So this new system both adds more challenge to caving on later-tier worlds and allows you to progress in the sandbox side of the game independently from the story side. I prefer it immeasurably.

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