Greetings Starbounders! Restarted my Star Destroyer project after the big update. Found me a nice empty asteroid field and here is the beginning: Construction base: and the first outer hull parts... started at the rear, above the engines (have no idea how to make these, yet) and will build the outlines first. Later i`ll work my way to the interior (need pictures and information about that before). First steps are done, uncountable more to come. I try to update regularly. I hope to get this one finished some day
Good luck! It's difficult to figure out a death star type thing, due to the fact that there are alternate gravity directions involved on the original.
Reached the upper end of the command tower: and figured out the first mistake: this point is 150 blocks too early. and already applied about 500 blocks to the left, that i have to deconstruct now (edit) repaired
Wrong part is redone: begun work on the shield generator tower: It`s getting more fun every day And I decided to not try building the whole thing like the original. Just the outer hull and some parts. The interieur i will build as i like. More soon to come. (edit) made some changes to the shield dome, easier to build, looks better, still not finished.(edit)
This is crazy large. Good luck. For taking pictures it might be worth zooming out more, or using the extra zoom levels mod, so that we have more context for each screenshot.
Not much new, had little time. Worked on the shield again: The cooling mantle will supposedly be connected to an heat sink or something like that outside the dome. ps: Reached the end of construction materials. Have to scrap down bases and mine for ore/pixels, what actually slows the whole thing.
Woah that's crazy. You're not even filling a lot of it in yet. To think you're collecting everything by hand. . . that's dedication. Crazy sort of masochistic dedication. I'm sure it's making the actual work that much more gratifying though.
That's the fully installated shield generator... for now Next parts will be: -Basic living and crafting area -Control tower (front side) -Main thruster + some test build of the main reactor scaled down a bit -whatever gets in my mind while questing and grinding
Rear staircase, entrance area, maybe rooms for security personnel / quarters / stuff and the place where the main engines will be
After reading another thread about reactor design, I grabbed some blocks and tried it myself. Ugly, made from everything I had at hand and absolutely not finished. Still a model of about 1:10 - 1:20 scale and only a first idea of a erchius and alien juice fuelled reactor. Tried out a model of the main thruster parallel, absolutely not satisfied with that one.
While the construction is paused, spaceman zilla is on the hunt for steel. This... abandoned apex base... ruins came just in handy: so i scrap it down, like the ones before.
You should keep track of how many labs and bases and whatnot you have to tear down as you build. Then at the end we can see how terrifying it is with trivial statistics!