Modding Help Is this idea for a hunger mod possible?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by CIB, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. CIB

    CIB Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey guys. One thing I'm hugely missing in Stardew Valley that I love in traditional Harvest Moon games is the hunger system. For my idea, I'd like to do the following:

    - Start the player off with the kitchen upgrade from the start (because cooking is supposed to be an essential part of the mod, and the kitchen usually takes until the "mid game" to get)
    - Start the player off with a low stamina bar in the morning until they eat their breakfast
    - Prolong the effects of the various food items so that they last throughout the day.. Basically, I'd like to make it so that choosing which meal you eat in the morning for the work of the day becomes an important part of the game
    - Add more effects to the existing food items, giving them more of a purpose
    - Have food items increase your max stamina for the day, and have high level food items increase max stamina significantly (like 2x-3x of what it's normally), so that it's still possible to do a lot in the day if you have high level food items available that are hard to make
    - Prevent the player from eating more than once per day (excluding stuff like health potions)
    - Ideal but probably unrealistic: Add a new area to the inventory menu that contains 3 slots, one for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. Have the character automatically eat these meals at the appropriate time. Would be a lot more Harvest Moon-y, but probably not doable with mods

    Are these things possible to do with mods?
      HopeWasHere likes this.
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      1. Kitchen upgrade from the start is doable, there are plenty of map-editing mods that already do this.
      2. A SMAPI mod can easily mess with current & max stamina for the player.
      3. A SMAPI mod could manually add extra length/abilities to food, but it'd be slightly tricky to get working
      4. See above
      5. Possible, but like #3 said, will be tricky to get working (Detecting what the player is eating is difficult)
      6. Should be possible, but there is no such thing as HP pots in SDV, food *is* HP pots & stamina pots - and there is no quick way of separating them, although it *is* doable, but complex
      7. Adding a new area to the inventory menu would be very difficult and involved, but doable, having the items be consumed at the correct time would be quite easy.
      Please note that my advise is based mostly on knowledge of 1.2, so some of the MP changes in 1.3 might make things easier/harder, but should not make anything impossible.

      TL;DR The mod you have in mind is possible, but it'd require SMAPI, quite a bit of coding skill, and a *lot* of patience.

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