I not, how would I go about editing the files of my character's inventory. (I know how to change quests, looking for alternate method.) I want to be able to edit my character's inventory, with a specialized program or just going into the game files with Notepad++
There's a web-based save editor that does a similar job among other things. It may be of interest to you. http://community.playstarbound.com/...ound-web-based-player-save-file-editor.46344/
In case anyone else is reading this, there is an offline editor now as well (Python/QT5 based). Although it requires you to compile from source at the moment: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/starcheat-player-save-editor-and-python-module.58202
Is there a place to find the official names of the items we wish to add since there is no drop-down list or auto-complete?
I believe this may be what you are looking for: http://www.starboundcodex.com/items/ (If you look on the URL bar after clicking an item, it'll give the ID name for said object)
Planet names cannot be edited right now. They are "calculated" from the planet file name. Your character file is located at Starbound/player/. The file name is a bunch of numbers with the .player extension.
To whom it may concern, This off-topic guide will answer all the unanswered questions so far on item names. http://levelupguides.com/starbound/reclaiming-gear-character-wipes-starbound/