Neither. It is literally a set time. 8 seconds transition to FLT, 30 seconds of FTL (With the planet loading in the background), and 8 seconds transition to orbit. This was likely done to mask the loading of the planet for slower computers, but Ive removed them all together, cus why not.
Are these the relevant lines? speedupTimer flyingTimer slowdownTimer disembarkPath arrivalPath If they are, how should I change the value? It doesn't seems like they have seconds as values. Edit : Ah, yes! They are! Now I can make my gigantic ship travel for 10 minutes long so that I have a reason to actually build my ship properly and think twice before going to another planet now! It doesn't make the travelling time proportionate to the distance covered though. As a reference if anyone wants to change on how it works : speedupTimer = The period of time your ship is accelerating into FTL state. flyingTimer = The period of time your ship is undergoing FTL. slowdownTimer = The period of time your ship is trying to decelerating after FTL. disembarkPath = The period of time your ship takes to accelerate out of the planet's orbit you're currently in. arrivalPath = The period of time your ship takes to accelerate into the planet's orbit you're arriving. The values are in seconds and the file is called "sky.config".