Hi there. As I saw some clothing mods are here already I though it would be nice to have a mod for female farmers to wear a dress like the ones at the flower dance. I would like to use it for wedding ingame for a nice screenshot, otherwise it would also be pretty for flower dance or just for an option to "wear" through spring and summer as an altanative. Maybe someone knows how to do it and wpuld like to make a mod for it. Thanks for reading
Speaking as a sprite modder, simplest way I can see it working is if some one modded the outfit onto the player sprite, which you then install specifically for the wedding day/flower dance and uninstall after. It's the downside to having a completely customisable player character. Hopefully, somebody more mod-y than me can come up with a better solution. Maybe coding in a unique player sprite, based on the player's chosen skin/hair/accessories but with preset clothes?
that would just be fine for me but I'm no modder. So I would be very thankful when someon would like to do it.
I'd prefer to operate without mods. Just find it really odd that the groom gets a suit to wear for his wedding but the bride doesn't get a dress. =/
Well, there is a WIP mod that lets you change clothes in game, maybe you could use that or ask the creator to add the dresses, i don't know. Here's the mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/in-game-farmer-base-changer.114141/
hmmm you coul simply get the mod that adds long dresses if you look at my profile pic you can see my wedding dress
Yes, but i think the base changer mod that i posted above would be better because after the wedding she would be able to go back to her old clothes without having to change the xnb files again
Hey, I found a Flower Festival dress mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/flower-dance-outfit.109059/