Is CO-OP confirmed for the Xbox one platform of Stardew Valley?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TDA Loki, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. TDA Loki

    TDA Loki Space Hobo

    I was essentially wondering if co-op is coming to the xbox platform. I'm a huge fan of the game i have little over a hundred hours and i noticed if i could play with my friend it would be the coolest thing ever. But if you have any info please let me know and thank you.
    • Corraidhín

      Corraidhín Supernova

      All versions should recieve the same updates, though if I remember correctly, the PC version is getting Co-Op first, then the consoles
        TDA Loki likes this.
      • TDA Loki

        TDA Loki Space Hobo

        thank you so much have a wonderful day
        • Corraidhín

          Corraidhín Supernova

          same to you ^^

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