Inviting NPC over for dinner

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Foxska, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Foxska

    Foxska Space Hobo

    Don't know if thread has been done before, if so, i apologize.

    Anyway, I just thought it would be nice if we could invite an NPC over for dinner and we would have to make a dish for them, and wether they like it or not would depends on the dish.

    I know we can give them a dish as a gift, but having a cut scene of them over and then selecting a dish for dinner would be fun, something extra if we wanna increase friendship hearts :rofl: or decrease... if they hate the dish..... either that or i'm that lonely =D just like Linus... lonely.
      Dougyhowzer likes this.
    • Pyrofish

      Pyrofish Starship Captain

      Our character doesn't even stop home to eat dinner with our husband or wife. It'd be kinda strange.
        Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
        Rivotril likes this.
      • Rivotril

        Rivotril Orbital Explorer

        i agree with Pyrofish, maybe some invitations from the NPC's and that you should get something for the dinner would be nice.
        • Dougyhowzer

          Dougyhowzer Space Spelunker

          I think this is a wonderful idea. Doing life together and having more options to being social is wonderful . The mechanics for developing more meaningful relationships are already built into SDV so I can't see this too difficult to implement .
          • FishWhiskerz

            FishWhiskerz Void-Bound Voyager

            I like that idea, but I like the idea of you being invited to dinner more as it makes more sense since the other townspeople seem to have more organized and traditional lives.
            • CartonCruncher

              CartonCruncher Void-Bound Voyager

              It would even just be nice to be able to have dinner with your spouse, you know? I always feel like a jerk, munching on my dinner, and Penny's just standing there looking at me. Maybe if there was an option to make a meal in a bigger dish, and then you could put it on your table and take a serving?
              • Jaata

                Jaata Master Chief

                This idea would be awesome for befriending Caroline,Granny Smiles Alot (Evelyn) and Jodi even George would be a good candidate to test this on I'd gladly test it

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