Instruments in Upbeat Giraffe?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by hanamayhem, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I have four, one being from a quest; the guitar.

    I have an ocarina, bass guitar, and the blow pipes(the one that looks like 3 cylinders next to each other with 3 different lengths.) I just randomly find them as I go. I'd say the are there and just as easy to find, at least when you are not outright looking for them. I don't look for interments, they find me instead. ><

    Of course rng could be part of reason, I have good terms with it. I was actually looking for getting a chair & uzi from the recent prison I found, and got one of each by the time I cleared the place.:)

    It is just a matter of exploring each planet. I haven't been to very many planets either, maybe like 10 or less. I am in durasteel tier at the moment with the party next in line for missions. Got distracted in taking apart the human prison for building resources, and still not finished. ><
    hanamayhem likes this.
  2. MaliciousMoron

    MaliciousMoron Tentacle Wrangler

    If anyone finds any instruments in the future, please write the coords associated lol.
  3. Glitch Warlock

    Glitch Warlock Yeah, You!

    I have a rock Organ, Microphone (Male), Saxophone, Drum, Ocarina, Nylon Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Accordion, Violin, and a Bright piano. I used to have an Electric Guitar, but I gave it to a friend.

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