Modding Help Installing Get Dressed Help

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ewitsali, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. ewitsali

    ewitsali Space Hobo

    Hey guys I'm very very new to modding and I downloaded the get dressed mod because it looks really cool but I cannot figure out how to install it into the game please help I am a baby modder & know nothing about anything sos
    • tenthousandcats

      tenthousandcats Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • ewitsali

      ewitsali Space Hobo

      I have SMAPI installed and I've put the mod in it but it keeps being skipped because it "doesn't have a manifest". I tired google searching but i literally cannot find any help
      • tenthousandcats

        tenthousandcats Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Hmmm could you post some screenshots of the error and your SDV/mods folders? It sucks that you're having that experience. :/

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