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RELEASED Inkbound: A Splatoon Mod Version V3.8-1

A race & content mod based off of Nintendo's Splatoon series!

  1. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    V1.2.XY: Bug Squishing Mode Activate!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Ohaxer

    Ohaxer Aquatic Astronaut

    I have an idea; An custom inkling Mech
  3. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  4. Saint Apollyon

    Saint Apollyon Phantasmal Quasar

    Loving the update so far! Though I do have to ask, do you find Inkling structures above or under the water? I've explored about 3 flooded planets and haven't found a thing.

    edit: Right on my fourth I found one lmao, my apologies. All in all, good work! ^^
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2019
  5. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    @Saint Apollyon

    You'll find Inkling cities exclusively on the surface! They're not guaranteed to show up, I didn't want to make the planets too flooded with cephalopod encounters, but they don't have that much competition for surface dungeons. There's a bit more variety underwater though.
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  6. RocketRyanA

    RocketRyanA Aquatic Astronaut

    For some reason I can't get this mod to work, any help please?
  7. RedCore22

    RedCore22 Void-Bound Voyager

    Some ideas for Squids having fun in Mechs

    Kraken Body
    A powerful body that uses Hardened Ink alongside Durasteel to shrug off impact and swim with the graces of their ancestors long ago.

    Kraken Boosters
    A modified variant of the Improved Boosters that serves for making the stars feel like the sea.

    Kraken Legs
    Less legs as more "Tentacles", this greatly boosts movement speed with watery surfaces.

    Grim Blaster Arm
    An experimental phase that turns the Grim Blasters into deadly arms for both Inkling and Octoling Mechs. Can be made into Frostbite (Blue), Thunderstorm (Purple), Molten Slag (Orange), and Shimmering Ink (Green)

    Splatterscope Arm
    An experimental phase that turns the iconic Splatterscopes into deadly arms for both Inkling and Octoling Mechs. Can be made into Shimmering Ink (Green), Extreme Impact (Red), and Thunderstorm (Purple)

    Octavio Body
    A looming (and poppin') body designed after the late DJ Octavio's machines. Much superior to it's Kraken cousin.

    Octavio Boosters
    A variant of the Improved Boosters that boasts amazing flight speed, but weighs like a sack of bricks.

    Octavio Hover
    An specialized legging that allows the mech to hover above ground and look stylish while doing so.

    Octavio's Memory Chip

    A chip that allows the Mech to be remote piloted by the true star of the show. Highly experimental, and equally awesome. (Can only be collected via an special mission)

    Squid Sister Arm
    An experimental arm that fires twin orbitals designed after the Squid Sisters themselves. Can be made into Defensive Mode (White/Red), Offensive Mode (Black/Purple), and Hybrid Mode (Purple/Green)

    Off The Hook Arm
    An experimental arm that fires twin orbitals designed after the two singers of Off The Hook. Can be made into either Defensive Mode (Black/White) or Offensive Mode (Pink/Green)
    Last edited: May 14, 2019
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  8. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    V2.0.2: Flash Fixes & Shooty Things

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  9. Turbotowns

    Turbotowns Big Damn Hero

    It should probably be known that this mod is incompatible with FrackinUniverse(which says as much on THEIR end), Which says something about "Improper Mech Patching?", and is colored yellow.
  10. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I actually came around here because I had heard of this. There should be a nice an easy fix for this though.

    In the vehicles/modularmech folder you will find the mech_body.config. Create a patch for that file that goes something like this.

    "op" : "add",
    "path" : "/MECHNAME",
    "value" : {
    "stats" : {
    "energy" : 3,
    "protection" : 3
    "partParameters" : {},
    "partImages" : {
    "bodyBack" : "body/MECHNAME_back.png",
    "bodyFront" : "body/MECHNAME_front.png"
    "defaultPrimaryColors" : ["b5b5b5", "808080", "555555", "303030"],
    "defaultSecondaryColors" : ["c0ab5e", "9b7e14", "6b5509", "342804"],
    "animationCustom" : {}

    I believe this is all it takes to do it.
  11. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

  12. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    Summer Bugfixes

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  13. Turbotowns

    Turbotowns Big Damn Hero

    Oof on the mech, I always love seeing new cool designs. A shame, but I guess that means this is compatible with FU now. ^^;
  14. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    V2.1 Update!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  15. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    Wait, where'd V2.1.1 go?

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  16. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    1/19/2021: Fixes & Dyework!

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  17. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

  18. Turbotowns

    Turbotowns Big Damn Hero

    It still is for some reason, is there an incompatibility with one of my other mods?
  19. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    the big two point two oh

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  20. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

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