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RELEASED Inkbound: A Splatoon Mod Version V3.8-1

A race & content mod based off of Nintendo's Splatoon series!

  1. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Gotta say, really like the looks of your spritework. If I weren't always clearing my universe files working on my own mod stuff, this would definitely be something I would be using!
    Marinebeast likes this.
  2. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    And with classes done... that means I'm working on this mod again!

    Updates will probably be sporadic, whenever I feel something's been neatly fixed.
    There isn't a definite 1.2 coming up with tons of content, it's more of a slow approach: we'll get there eventually.

    A to-do list, for both me and you!
    • Projectile TLC. There's been complaints about the NPC-aggravating tendencies of the paintballs, as well as an inconsistency problem between projectiles of weapons. To remedy this, I've established two things: 1. new projectiles for splatlings and machine pistols so that you can use them more safely while still having traditional shooters for inking fun, and 2. a single version of projectile per weapon line, recolored or made elemental as necessary for the model using it.
    • This is pretty much done as of 5/13/2017 2:41 AM. Nice.
    • General weapon TLC. Rebalancing to be a little more in line with vanilla weapons, addressing ability weirdness + removing abilities from weapons that can't use them or are otherwise hindered by them, those kinds of things. This goes hand-in-hand with the above point... and it also might take some time because of technical limitations.
    • (If anyone has cool thoughts on balancing/abilities, be free to share! What works? What doesn't work? What would make more sense?)
    • Catching up with Starbound updates. This includes unexisting dialogue being written, fixing up anything that's had framework modified since I last looked at it, those sorts of things. (There was a mention of a guard-weapon bit of dialogue, that'll probably be first.)
    • Ironing out existing bugs and weird things. Most of the more obvious ones were ironed out in recent patches as they were brought to my attention, but I'm sure there's still stuff in there, even if it's just one-pixel problems or misdirected pathways. For instance, I caught that one of the modified blue weapons was using red projectiles just earlier!
    • This includes the interface for the crafting bench. Eventually.
    • More object descriptions! Not done yet. Not sure when I'll be done with all of it.
    • It's fun to do, but gets tedious fast. I've got all the racial and biome sets done, along with a few others, so it's just a matter of hammering it all out.
    • More sea slugs? I like them. Cutie pies.
    • NPC TLC. That was mostly fixed up all nice in previous updates, but more dialogue and other stuff can never hurt.
    • Maybe some higher-tier guards for scarier sorts of places? Hmm...
    • (Are the summoned tenants still throwing harmless errors? They cause my game to lag so much that it goes nuclear and must be shut down.)
    • And once I'm fairly happy (?), more objects, clothes and maybe even new weapons!
    • There's been sprinklings of more stuff here and there, like the Ultra Vending Machine. But July's just around the corner, isn't it? ;)
    • Currently in development hell: An unrefined custom respawn animation and an early shapeshifting tech.
    • Both are stuck in hell for usual reasons. I don't know when I'll be able to implement them, but it'll happen eventually.
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  3. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    Summer Update 1: The Very Beginning

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  4. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    dear chucklefish,

    please stop breaking my mod with your "fresh" updates


    -- a salty squid

    (translation: there's problems and I'm fixing them as I type, lmao
    be totally free to post error logs because there's probably a lot of stuff that needs fixing!)
    2nd Lieutenant Raoni likes this.
  5. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

  6. Amaranthine

    Amaranthine Void-Bound Voyager

    Object descriptions don't seem to work. To doublecheck, I found an object in the files that you for sure edited to have a description (in this case the campfire) and checked in-game, it just uses the "default" description.

    Addendum: The ancient holograms in the spaceport's descriptions work correctly. However, the inventor's table and one other random item I spawned in that you had a .patch for, the avian altar, lack a description. It seems they're working for some things but not others, which is odd since the syntax does not seem to differ between those that do and those that don't. Ergo I suspect it's due to a conflict with another mod, which is strange since I thought .patches were supposed to prevent that.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  7. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex


    I've also encountered that kind of problem: some objects display their custom descriptions correctly, but others do not-- such as the campfire that you mentioned, and I've found that the green tent object also does this. They all use the exact same patch syntax to apply their effects, which makes the matter even more mysterious.

    Perhaps certain sets of objects don't work well with custom descriptions that are patched in? Maybe it's just specific objects in general?
    As far as I've tested, the game doesn't throw any errors when it uses the default description instead of the custom one, so... it's pretty hard to figure out what the exact problem is. I don't run any mods that explicitly modify the objects that are misbehaving for me, so at this point, it's a mystery.

    It's definitely on the to-do list, I just haven't found out what makes some objects use a custom description while the same syntax doesn't work on other objects.
  8. Amaranthine

    Amaranthine Void-Bound Voyager

    I just found the problem, actually. It's the file structure, checking the vanilla file paths of the objects with missing descriptions they are in additional folders (eg campfire.object is in objects\crafting\campfire but you just have it in objects\crafting). Made a campfire folder and stuck the patch in it and it works.
  9. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    That's somehow not super surprising, and makes a lot of sense! Thanks for cracking that mystery for me-- I'll have it all fixed up by the next release!
  10. Toamac

    Toamac Phantasmal Quasar

    i made a splat dualie machine pistol for starbound.but are you guys interested in seeing it ?
  11. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex


    I intended to get around to making one eventually for the express purpose of dual-wielding, but if you've made sprites/files for one already, I'd be very interested in taking a look.
  12. Toamac

    Toamac Phantasmal Quasar

    i made the sprites and files to make it work.it use a modified titanium machine pistol https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....60EBAB5807872447C6E536751B9FDAD67BBB5EF/.they use the paint gun sound effect but you are welcome to change anything form it.
  13. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Oh, those are very cute! It's a shame that there's no mapping abilities to single-handed weapons, I'd love to give them some sort of dodging or blink tech if that was possible.. but they're definitely fresh enough, and have a rad enough damage output, to be worth the attention.

    If you're all right with them being included in the mod, I'd happily add them with full credit!
    I might shine up the sprites a bit more to fit with the general look and detail of other weapons-- hopefully that'd be all right? That's real cool that you went and made them fully functional already, either way.
  14. Toamac

    Toamac Phantasmal Quasar

    go ahead i made them because i like the way they work in the actually game.i not good at making weapons with unique or special abilities.https://www.mediafire.com/?yre3cnvee6039sj
  15. GeistenHaus

    GeistenHaus Orbital Explorer

    im pretty excited about squids. so if you dont mind some suggestions:
    do you think youll ever add octo dome blocks and decorations? such as the borg-like tech surfaces, and artificial skies made of televisions and lightbulbs? that would be the coolest. even when im not playing a squiddo there are so many times im thinking how i wish i could make the wall here look like a sky. i kind of feel like dye should be more convenient for inklings to come by in some fashion, whether through farmable petals or more generous recipes. how about the hotdog costume from the fancy vs costume party splatfest?
  16. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Marinebeast updated Squids in Space: A Splatoon Mod with a new update entry:

    V1.2.0B -- Fresh Summer Changes!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. IHart

    IHart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    steam version crash.

    Attached Files:

  18. RaiRai The Raichu

    RaiRai The Raichu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just came to report the same thing, crash on startup, and the crashlog above mirrors mine. Can't wait to see all the new additions!
  19. TheN1K0L4Z

    TheN1K0L4Z Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cause of crash, duplicate assets in the items, specifically the inklingoctowigs.
  20. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Duplicate assets? That's a weird one...
    I want to say that this was a result of incomplete/botched file copying, because now that I'm looking at misbehaving files, a lot of these... aren't the ones I copied over??? That's. Incredibly odd.
    Fixes incoming in the next half-hour!

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