It might just be me, but I love exploring in Starbound and I feel our near omnipotence about what is in space takes away a lot from that. Knowing exactly what kinds of star it is and exactly what kind and size planets are in every single system in the galaxy sort of diminishes the fun unknown factor of exploring. And knowing before hand what kind of weather it has. Which I also feel isnt dangerous enough to make planets interesting sometimes. (Inconceivable difficulty planets really just feel like Risky+, but thats another topic) Sure, you never know what kind of other biomes or mini biomes are on the planet or what outposts, but even so. Perhaps, you could upgrade your navigation system to determine what kind of star it is. And maybe another to let you know before hand what kind weather the planet had, once you get there. Or perhaps, regardless of what fuel you have the FTL drive might only have a certain range, that you can upgrade later. This would require you to stop at systems to go long distances, and maybe convince you while you're there to check it out. Even with navigation upgrades, I wouldn't want to be able to reach the almost all knowing level of information of the galaxy the player has currently. Exploration, to me at least, feels like its less about exploration and more about "I need a lava planet" *quick search* "K. Let's go". I feel like all of this would make the planets you do find even more precious. Finding a duplicate won't be nearly as easy. I know its a bit late in the process of making this game to say this, and I totally understand anyone that would disagree with this. But I figured I throw my opinion out there regardless . TL;DR: Exploration isn't really exploration and you know pretty much what you're going to find on any planet in the galaxy before you even leave the starting system.
Since we can already figure out a lot about stars and what the planets orbiting around them are like, it'd be pretty irrealistic for the tech of 500+ years in the future to be incapable of figuring out what a given planet around a given star is like. I mean, that's got to be several steps less advanced than FTL that lets you warp to the other end of the universe in 30 seconds.
Well, I'm talking just from a gameplay point of view for the sake of more rewarding exploration. But if you wanted to look at it like that, your ship is broken down and can't even use its FTL drive. The navigation system could easily be just as busted and need upgraded. Also being able to go to a place isn't really justification for knowing what would be at that place when you get there.
Yeah, but in real life at least, finding a planet is the hard part. You can sometimes even figure out stuff about a planet before even knowing where it is precisely by just looking at the way the planet's atmosphere affects the light of the star it's orbiting.