In Need of Shane's XNB Files

Discussion in 'Mods' started by wintver, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. wintver

    wintver Void-Bound Voyager

    I need all of the original xnb files for Shane, I know the backup trick to get it back and stuff but I have other mods that requires me to replace xnb files. (I run like 83 mods or more.) Does anyone have the vanilla xnb files for Shane? Would be appreciated, thanks!
      Pessoa Pássaro likes this.
    • ShneekeyTheLost

      ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

      Replacing XNB files is really a thing mods shouldn't be asking of you. Ever since the end of 1.2 and beginning of 1.3, Content Patcher has been a much more stable way of doing that sort of thing. I don't think XNB edits are even going to be supported anymore once 1.4 update drops.

      If you aren't willing to refresh everything, then I don't think that anyone is able to help you.

      One thing you might be able to try is to save your currently modded Content folder somewhere else, fix your game by reinstalling or verifying integrity or whatever, copying Shane's xnb files over from the 'vanilla' defaults, and then replacing the content folder with your old one. No guarantees on success, but it is worth trying.

      But seriously, XNB edits are pretty janky, Content Patcher is a much better way of doing the same thing.
      • Moragaine

        Moragaine Existential Complex

        Also, 1.4 is going to break all xnb mods.
        • jahangmar

          jahangmar Sandwich Man

          You can look here if there is a replacement for the xnb mods you are using.
          You can do what @ShneekeyTheLost recommended to get Shane's original files. Just save your Content folder, reset your content files, and then copy the Content folder back after you got Shane's files.
          Sharing game files is not allowed due to copyright reasons (and violates forum rules).
          • wintver

            wintver Void-Bound Voyager

            Thanks everyone, I ended up deleting everything and copying all the files I didn't want to change and redownloaded my game. :)

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