EDIT: Made preview portraits larger... my bad lol Heyo everybody. Was playing Stardew Valley and thought the candidate could be... cuter, while still retaining the artistic style of the base game. So I took bit and pieces of the older portraits and mixed them with with the new models as well as added some tiny touch-ups of my own. COMPARISON All Candidates Download: https://mega.nz/#F!dIQmACpL!x7JTGu8-aSkClltxNeNvGg http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/33/?tab=1&navtag=http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/ajax/moddescription/?id=33&preview=&pUp=1 Abigail Used Abigail's old portrait, changed hair/bow color and made skin more pale. Download: https://mega.nz/#F!5BBS1DTZ!Dh7HXoa6iC-9M47bnLhuVw Penny Used Penny's old portrait and recolored the dress and hair. Also added extra locks of hair. Download: https://mega.nz/#F!sUoSBAYJ!dBDmFxmZc_FokPBNab7TlA Maru Used Maru's new portait but added in old hair, made glasses grey-blue, added a mole to her chin (personal preference). Download: https://mega.nz/#F!xZBUDCoK!4xINP2w3IsM0qe_i9LlSjA Leah Used her old portrait with pieces of her current portrait to make her face forward. Download: https://mega.nz/#F!9ZojGBha!GZPk4rSRyVZ8usZGJNx9cA Haley Removed pretty much all of the purple from her current portrait (Looks better to me at least). Download: https://mega.nz/#F!QNZWVJRI!QfRtnmqixy8OOhQDr06igQ If you have any questions, comments, requests feel free to message me.
Thanks! Honestly all of this felt slapped together (only took me a couple hours) Glad to see people like it.
Thank you for using this version of Abigail only with purple hair instead of teal. I really like this earlier portrait of hers but because her mom introduces her as 'the one with purple hair', teal hair would not have worked. I like that color change you made to her bow. And that choker necklace is very nice. So detailed! Great job all around on all of them. Thank you for sharing!
Noticed that too. It's just Leah's original hair copied, flipped, and pasted. Some slight touches were made too.