@Combozone my internet was bein a dick so i went ahead and finished it outside the stream honestly i had a lot of fun with this one and while foliage is still tedious af.... it seems like there are a few new tricks in my repertoire i can use to make some basic plantlife. so.. tentatively considering adding more backgrounds. and don't expect this quality with regularity >> i mean you can, but i'm not making promises or anything. anyway hope you like it lmao open slot~! remember you can bribe me if you want a higher spot in the queue~
I have two questions: Does the request have to be of a Starbound character? And Do you need references?
OH MAN IT LOOKS SO GREAT! Definitely going up as a wallpaper! (Quick thing: the "tail" in the picture is actually supposed to be a sword sheath, but it's fine the way it is!)
i prefer references, and it will come out better if you provide them, but i've done art before without them :1 also this is technically a starbound art thread, but again i've done non starbound art before lmao i'll remember! oh man my bad lmao. i'm glad you like it! i can take the tail out if you want, it's pretty easy
I'm dastardly patient. I'll attach an image now for convenience sake. Now that we got my selfishness out of the way, your art is really nice to look at! I hope you best wishes in your pursual of the arts! Regarding the picture, I don't mind if you take artistic liberty or whatever, but here's some information to help. Gender: Male Clothing: Head- White-dyed winter scarf. Chest - Blue-dyed desert cloak Legs - Blue-dyed moneybags trousers Cape - Darkness cape (side request: can you draw this as perhaps an aura of darkness? Something sinister and slaughter-ridden) Weapon: Asutero Saberu DX!11 (Ninja edit: Can you also throw in a upgraded time pierce in there? I just recently stumbled on this sword ingame and I love the idea of controlling space-time with both swords.) additional shizz: The character's name is Harlangea, play on moi and the flower hydrangea. Do with that information as you will. Thank you in advance, however far in advance.
I hope i'm not too late to the party. He's the one with that Navy uniform and standing right next to the Hylotl flag My dude is a super nationalist and mega-racist, mostly against Florans. Is part of some military order in coalition with Avians and Apex. I really love the way you draw the user's characters, its amazing!
If you ever plan to open for slots for images could you do one of my Starbound character Danielle Fox? Here is a reference image of her She is based on an edit of the old Kitsune mod, with a clothing mod to trim her outfit to be a bit revealing. Due to limitations of Starbound, Danielle's eye color doesn't show, they should be blue (close to the kimono color), and her ears and tail should be similar to her hair color while the hair should be half its shown length. The pose should be something that looks inviting, possibly having a pet Fennix alongside.
Hey there! I am a new Starbounder ^_^ I would love a drawing of my character, but I don't have drawing skills :-: Anyways, I would love it if you could draw my character when there is a slot avaible His name is Tonko, and here's a picture of him: Thank you!
Quality and quantity. This exposition of art one of the best I've seen in the forum so far. OK, here is my character, would you draw it? http://imgur.com/a/2xZbn Maybe is not clear in the image, but my character has long black hair and the orange parts of the suit are made out of copper. And of course, he has a sombrero...
I'd love to have my character drawn! But a lot of images on this forum just show up as those IMG icons. Is there an alternate way for me to get a drawing of my character? Here he is in two different costumes Sorry about how large the images are, I wasn't sure how to crop them. And, as a side note: I installed a tail feathers mod for my character, could you please make sure that he has his tail in the drawing? Thanks!