Hello everyone! As you may have noticed, I accidentally took a ~6 month hiatus of sorts, but I'm back now! The last thread is also laggy af when I do anything with the OP, so I thought this'd be a gr8 time to make a new thread. Update! I have a paypal donations thing now. It's so you can bribe me. If you throw a couple bucks my way i will give you list priority and also art faster. So, LO!~ v2.0 now with more kitties (I hope). Currently working on: Relten's request Relten Comito newcomer3 biglonewolf115 PinkieCube (updated) Sorini thecreepercyborg Arra Wolfwave Breack jakecool19 TheAlias (updated) Merek Commander Issa-Viran stickperson24 jimmy cool lazuli Sir Wilfrey odst 4900 MangoPhD For MrVauxs For Firepaw Da Cat For OneLessLonelyGlitch For Commander Scout For Troven For Apathy Applied For Matli For Lintton For MysticalStorm For Combozone this is so exciting you guys look there's barely anything here For Kaiachi For Myifee For Daddyo540 For orange898 For Captain Karo For Mega Flapper For General Nuclear For Niner-7 For Lemony Schtickit For Jareix Cryvix For Gilligan Lanley For Miss Alkane Myifee Kaiachi Daddyo540 orange898 Captain Karo Mega Flapper General Nuclear Niner-7 Lemony Schtickit Jareix Cryvix Gilligan Lanley Miss Alkane MrVauxs Firepaw Da Cat OneLessLonelyGlitch Commander Scout Troven Apathy Applied Matli Lintton MysticalStorm Combozone And finally, if you're seeing this for the firs time, here's a link to my old thread o3o And yes, the 1-month-drop rule is still in effect. Sorry eue Some of the ppl on my 20 slots from before have also disappeared. Preemptive sorry if you return! I will ping y'all in a spoiler here and you have a default 1st place slot when/if you come back~ @uforadiation @Adam Tracinya @Model QT-377665 @Zaisher @FloranFootSoldier @Marcos Brinigh @Geniss Brony @Skippertomtom @Warget Cup o' Tea @ellenmedieors12 I'm probably forgetting something but w/e I'll edit it when I remember. Cheers!
@Myifee pingles~ @Kaiachi here's the version without the reference. (ps look at all those empty slots you guys)
Oh my goodness yeeesssssssssss. Thank you so much! That gun is nice! Fancy new thread though. I'm just gonna make myself comfortable.
Sweeeet. Set me up with the lemonade and chocolate chip cookies on the cat head beanbag chair, please. I call dibs on the radio station. 1940's UK radio, all the way. I'll be chilling for the art. I'm ready.
You know what, I think I'll put in my first request on this thread... Can you draw my... Starbound(?) Character? I'm working on a mod so it will be in starbound... Eventually... You know where to find a non-pixel reference if you need it...
That wouldn't be necessary. I'm not sure when my friend will get back to Starbound, it may take a while.
Can I put in a request for my Starbound character? (Even though its a mod) Her name's Nezun and looks kinda like my forums avatar, except it'd be more of sky blue than dark blue, and female.
it'll also take a while for me to get to your request; let me know if you change your mind~ gotem! (i am still surprised that ppl request avalis from me tho e_e)
You are my hero. Is it odd to have them requested? o:[DOUBLEPOST=1452087522][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually, can I modify/add details how I want my character? Or will you request the details when the time comes to draw? o:
i just don't think i do them justice haha. but it's up to you. i may end up pming you when i go to draw it anyway, but you can add/remove details at your leisure in the meantime
I'd like to see how you do with them! ^.^ I believe you seen the request thread I posted? Well, that basically what I was going to fully request. That is if it isn't too much.
I like the way the clothes are done. It seems natural, like it has a bit of...what's the word? Weight? Texture? But it really adds an interesting effect and gives some character to the cloth...if that makes any sense.
fair enough, i'll use it as the request when i get to it! ^^ and you can see my other art on my old thread "my erts" is a link to it in my signature i'm glad you both like it! i was experimenting because i wanted the jacket to look heavy and stiff. i'm also trying to find a way to shade things that takes less time and still looks good ^^
2.0 !!! 2.0!!!! wait.. why am I screaming.. oh yeah.. I'm screaming with excitement! I hope to see more ! and cats!
Oh hey, can I request a thing? Since I seem to remember you draw Apex so cute~ And can it be two characters together, like back to back or something, or just in the same scene I guess I'm not that picky. Putting this down to remind myself - Barnelby and Sylvia.
Can you draw my character? Remember that i am from gelly-u don't compare with jelly! i don't want to be eaten by lollitoppops