New Button "Protection" It Allows To Protect Your Ship From Players And Add People Who You Trust And Who are added, They Can Break Blocks, Build Blocks And Etc... Better Gas Giants Better System Double Star System New Gas Giants Textures Galaxy EDITOR In Galaxy Editor You Could add stars, Edit Them And Edit Planets Galaxy Editor Features: Edit What Life Exists There, Edit Planet's Moons Edit Planet's Size In Map And Just Planet's Size edit planet's texture UPDATE OF IDEAS: Modern City BG Feature City BG UPDATE OF IDEAS2: Ability To Edit Crew Inventory, Ability To Edit Star Color(For Example to green(yes i know green stars doesnt exist in real life)) Make That Aliens Could Land On Planets Tho Lol
UPDATE OF IDEAS2: Ability To Edit Crew Inventory, Ability To Edit Star Color(For Example to green(yes i know green stars doesnt exist in real life)) Make That Aliens Could Land On Planets Tho Lol