The Faitheroo are a race of transparent flaming semi-humanoid beings ( so they walk like human and don't fly) that had their origins on Elgaria, an incontaminated planet full of elemental energy and magic. Their principal job is the Elementalist, a scholar of the element that get energy from them and use to create things and to improve the tecnology of the civilization. They have an affinity with the four element: fire,water,earth and wind that allow them to transform into different form. Since they are transparent in normal form, absorbing one of the four element, they acquire the corresponding color and the powers of the element. Their army is organised in elemental troops specialised in one element, there are the fire and wind infantry, the earth war-machines, the wind-fire airborn troops, the water healers, the earth assassins and the cavalry. Each element is specialised in something and allow Faitheroo to make the most of it. They are organised in quite village with elementalized guards and build laboratory far from the cities. Their laboratory are full of elementalist and are more magic than scientific unlike the Apex' ones. Thanks to the power of the elemental forms they don't lose time to create weapons but some elementalist attacked to tecnology do it. They get energy form the element through a tool like a vacuum cleaner that suck the energy and trap it, the elemental manipulator. They use this energy in the Elementalist crafting station that is the basic crafting table of the Faitheroo. Here they craft the Elementalist armors, techs and weapons.They are governed by a Faitheroo King also known as Lord of the Elements that is elected by an assembly formed by common people. There aren't senate, councillors and magistrates, but the king isn't a dictator because if it were, all people would change form and would dash against him, slaying him. On the city hall,in fact, is written: " All the people have powers, so the king must govern correctly or it will end badly". It is a Popolar Monarchy! RELATIONS WITH OTHER RACES APEX: Faitheroo and Apex aren't in good terms cause the Apex in the past tried to stole the Elementalist knowledge to create very powerful weapons for their bad purposes. HUMANS: Faitheroo and Humans are ancient friends because when the Faitheroo were in trouble and couldn't get any energy from element, Humans helped them and allowed them to restore their power. AVIAN: The Avian respects the Faitheroo for their desire of knowledge and for their obligation in achieve it and use for positive experiments. FLORAN: The Floran and the Faitheroo are unknown, their races are too different to arrive to an agreement. Perhaps they will never have any relationship, but who knows... HYLOTL: Faitheroo in the past explored the depths of the oceans and found the Hylotl, with which they became friends. Now the Faitheroo provide water elemental energy for the Hylotl that live on surface. NOVAKID : The Novakid fought many times with Faitheroo but they were peaceful fighting that availed only to show who was the best warrior. Now they are equal with a result of 9-9. So this is the story of the race but now we will continue to the features of the mod. FAITHEROO RACE -Transparent flaming semi-humanoid beings -Elementalist crafting station -Tiered armor( crafted with element+tiered materials) -Techs(one for each element) : Fire, Water, Earth, Wind -Elemental manipulator -Little Flame Pet -Elemental Guard Spawner -Faitheroo Village and Laboratory -Tiered Ship( I haven't thinked yet how it will have to be) -Elementalist Ship A.I. -NPC's Spawner The last thing I have to tell you. Techs. Each tech is crafted with one blank tech card and fifty energy of the specific element. Formes powers( All formes glow) Fire: you became a fire red spirit( like the human torch) that can fire a fire laser from the hand (not both,only one) that consumes energy ( the fire i have in mind is like the one of the mecharacnid mod, that is perfect) . The tech is re-crafted with a specific material like impervium for the final tier to improve its power. Water: you became a blu water spirit that can breathe and swim very fast underwater. This form is used for the oceanic planets explorations. Earth: you became a green spirit that can puch away enemies and split the earth below your feet causing an earthquake. Wind: you became a light yellow spirit surrounded by electricity that can fly and fire lightning from the hand ( not both, only one). That's all everybody. If there is someone expert in making mods that is interested to my race I will be very very very very happy. If someone would do this mod I'm grateful with him/her. Changes are accepted happly. So I can only hope. Bye bye and thanks to everybody. FAITHEROO RACE!!!!! P.S.: I have also some paint for they that are interested!Bye!!!
Seems good yeah. But don't you think you should also make something to set their planet type available too?
I mean: You got the human race, you found human bases, you got the glitch race, you found glitch villages, so what I mean is to setup something so you could find faitheroo structures.
Oh yes excuse me, I'll provide immediately...give me a little time! But, you are interested,don't you?
The Faitheroo prefer planets full of plant life where they can get easily the energy of the four element. The style of their building is classic, like the ancient greek and romans, with big laboratories similar to the temples of the Gods and simple houses, but splendid. They also build statues of the four transformations of the king ruling in that period and arenas where they practice various sports and do the Olympics. Their clothes are a bit different: the citizens,the merchants and the athletes wear a gown like the Greek, insted of the soldiers, the Elementalist and the King that wear long tunics with hood like the wizards' ones. The armors of the space captain ( your character) are like hoplite's ones with magnific helmet and long cloak. I hope you liked that! Bye!
Of course I am. I love greek and romans mythologies, and also the lore of this race is, I think, well made. But how the faitheroo player will begin? Will it be like the hylotl one, who just want to spread his/her culture all over the galaxy? Something like that?
You're great man, thanks for these suggests and for the interest...The target of the Faitheroo is to discover the secrets and the laws of the "Great Living" ( the Universe) and use them to order the life of the "Little Living" (the same Faitheroo and the other races) because they want a world in harmony with themselves and with nature that don't violate the universal order. The Faitheroo player begin his quest with a wrecked ship like other races but with a little different: the Faitheroo ship doesn't need liquid erchius as fuel but it needs elemental energy, obtained through the Elemental manipulator. That's it, so can you make mods? Can you create my mod?
A thread, or a topic. Also, I was thinking that the faitheroo's weapons could be focused on staff: then the element of the staff could depend of the element tech you are equiped. And maybe adding faitheroo teachers, who could teach a character of another race the control of the elements. Finally, could you make a sprite of the faitheroo character, and if possible, of the faitheroo's ship?
Yeah I like the idea of the staffs but I've not thinked yet how the ship will looks like.[DOUBLEPOST=1438864888][/DOUBLEPOST]Another thing, how do i make a sprite? Also you can check out some of the modding guides
You can use any pixel art program. For example Graphics Gale Just make sure you enable transparencies