Suggestion Icons in the Damage Matrix and Recruitment Screen

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Farley, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Farley

    Farley Big Damn Hero


    so in the Damage Matrix pages of the Codex and the Recruitment Screen Effectiveness bars, Unit types are displayed via icons of a different faction. However, on said Recruitment Screens, and for some reason only there (and on Tile Info Screens if a Unit occupies the inspected tile), there are icons displayed representing the whole Unit Archetype - ie. the Sword for Soldiers and the Paw for Doggos.

    I'd like to suggest using these archetype Icons instead of the currently used ones as those are easier to read due to their simplicity. Furthermore, those Icons should also be displayed on a Units Codex entries as well as appear somewhere when hovering over a unit, preferably either close to their portrait or the cursor.
    • R1LY

      R1LY Void-Bound Voyager

      I agree, the icons are a bit hard to understand for me, a symbol of their weapon would be easier to recognize in that pixel art format, this is even more confuse for newbies like me when all the units are cosmetically that different between factions, well, I mean not that different but as smaller the icon is harder to learn the details, maybe even moving the cursor in this screen and being able to hover it on the icons so we can get detailed info about their damage matrix

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