REQUEST i would like make my own textures , but how ?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by krissydolices, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. krissydolices

    krissydolices Space Hobo

    hey , i would like make my own texture pack , also i would like change textures of cows and chicken by my own , but how ? at minecraft is that really easy but at stardew valley not . i cant open the xnb files , i dont know what xnb at all is haha . which programm do i need ? at minecraft i have make my own texture pack with gimp , when i have the right programm , is it as simple as minecraft? i hope for your anwers and i am sorry for my englisch , i am a german person :p
    • Blooper8484

      Blooper8484 Starship Captain

      You have to use a program like XNB Node to transform the xnb files into png files, then you have to edit them with a png editor that has transparency and turn the png files back to xnb files. If you didn't understand or want more info there's a video on how to use it here:

      Hope it helps!
      • krissydolices

        krissydolices Space Hobo

        it sound like diffucult , but i try to make it , thanks i watch the video
        • Blooper8484

          Blooper8484 Starship Captain

          You're welcome, and yes i know it's difficult, in fact it takes me a lot of time when i try to edit something
          • krissydolices

            krissydolices Space Hobo

            now i have all the files in png , but whats now ? how i edit the pictures ? the video dont tell about editing . i hope you can help me again
            • Jinxiewinxie

              Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

              Open them in or some other image editor.
              • krissydolices

                krissydolices Space Hobo

                ok last question , i have make my own coop , but how extract i the png files again to xnb files ?
                • Blooper8484

                  Blooper8484 Starship Captain

                  Use the same program you used to transform them into png files, which i guess is XNB Node

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