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Server Discussion I Want You!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Solar Ace, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. topgun26

    topgun26 Void-Bound Voyager

    to say im free wen im am so i can say how much time i got
  2. Yavor

    Yavor Big Damn Hero

    I would gladly join! I've been looking for a group to play Starbound with. I just have to figure out how :) I've played Starbound only through Steam. :)
  3. DrTrike

    DrTrike Aquatic Astronaut

    i have an idea MODS!
  4. AshkarSeryn

    AshkarSeryn Intergalactic Tourist

    hi all is this army thing still going on?
  5. Solar Ace

    Solar Ace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It hasn't started yet. We are working on it
  6. AshkarSeryn

    AshkarSeryn Intergalactic Tourist

    oh ok thanks
  7. topgun26

    topgun26 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea... I dont now how to play ture steam so for now k
  8. Yavor

    Yavor Big Damn Hero

    Just right click my icon in the chat and choose "Join game". It's quite simple. But I'll have to add you to friends list first. What's your Steam name?
  9. unpleasant

    unpleasant Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd join you guys. I've been looking for a group to play with. If anyone wants to add me on steam for this, hit me up: doctor-unpleasant
  10. topgun26

    topgun26 Void-Bound Voyager

    is this place still alive?
    because im changing every password and I remember this place so I want to know if we can make it work again

    a lot, now

    ok if anyone still wanna know im done with making no let me make a checklist

    config the config to make users..... Not rely done
    Try to join and didn't crash..... After a while I did it, it was a hell hole bud I did it
    Completion level.... 50%
    im ganna try a 3d party service called Hamachi and the ID and the stuff il copy it here

    Settings saved.

    ID Name Type Description
    Use the ID when joining this network from the Hamachi client.

    That's it for know.
    end log 1-5
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2018
  11. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    The double and triple posting is strong in this topic...:nurutease:
    I merged them, please avoid double/tripleposts in such a short time. :nuruwink:
  12. topgun26

    topgun26 Void-Bound Voyager

    oh yea il be posting status updates every 1-2 days
    end log 1-5,2

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