moving from x:2147483581 y:2147483584 to x:-2147483581 y:-2147483584 does... some things... nothing appears the entire jump. it's awesome. Another visual glitch is when you try to move across the border of x:-2147483581 y:-2147483584; there are clearly stars there, but when you cross, everything vanishes. pretty interesting.
the hardest block in the game: brains. they take about 50 bombs to break ONE. they are only found in the Ruin, so yeah. I have no life: yes, i mined 1172 brain blocks. Also, what's the sun again? i forgot, long time no see.
m a k i n g a b a s e w i t h m y b r a i n b l o c k s u n d e r t h i s l a v a t h a t c a n o n l y b e r e m o v e d w i t h b a c k g r o u n d: oh boy.... this will be great! nobody but me will get in! (once i place my teleporter and close up the hole and actually build it)